BA Modern Languages FAQs
What will I study?
On route 1, in all years of the degree, you will study two core language modules. You will select cultural modules in your main language and then additional culture modules either in your main language or your second language.
On route 2, you will take three core language modules. You will also select one or two cultural modules, in your main language. Culture is also taught in the language modules.
How will I be taught?
On route 1, you will spend 50% of your time on language and 50% of your time on culture. You will spend about 8 hours a week in language classes and have lectures and seminars in your cultural modules. If you are beginning your second language from scratch then you will study the language intensively to reach a high standard.
On route 2, because 75% of your degree will be language modules, you will spend about 12 hours a week in language classes, and also have lectures and seminars in your ‘cultural modules’. In your third language (if taken from beginners level), you will study the language intensively, in order to reach a high standard.
What standard will I reach in each of the three languages?
You will reach C1/C2 standard of the CEFR (Common European Framework of reference)
in the language where you have entered with an A-level (and also ab initio if you spend time abroad).
On route 2, in the third language, you will reach approximately B1 or B2 standard.
Can I spend time in multiple countries abroad?
Your year abroad depends on your language combination. If you take the second language ab initio we recommend you spend at least six months in that country. Otherwise, you may opt to spend a full year in one country, or split the year between the countries of the first two languages. If you are taking route 2, and studying three languages, we encourage students to spend vacation time in a country where the third language is spoken.
There may be some flexibility in this, depending on previous experience abroad, etc.