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Fabienne Viala attends opening of Guadeloupe slavery memorial alongside French President François Hollande and six African Heads of State

Associate Professor of Hispanic and Caribbean Studies, Fabienne Viala, is travelling to the Caribbean as a special guest at the inauguration on 10th May 2015 of the Memorial ACTe, the first public slavery memorial on the island of Guadeloupe. Dr Viala writes:

The Memorial ACTe is the first public monument in Guadeloupe that will acknowledge the fundamental right to remember the African ancestors who died during the Middle Passage and Transatlantic Slavery. It is also the first cultural platform for showcasing Caribbean Expressions of Identity in Visual Arts ( media, photography, sculpture, painting, performance). Located in Pointe à Pitre, the Memorial will open to the public on the 7th of July. On the 10th of May, in resonance with the remembrance day of slavery, President François Hollande together with 6 African Heads of State, will inaugurate the Memorial. As part of the team who set up the first Festival of the Caribbean Visual Arts in the Memorial, I will be among the special guests of the inauguration.

Click here to read more (in French) and see an image of the Museum.

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