Year 9 Emergency on Planet Earth

The Event
This event is part of the outreach and widening participation work delivered to local schools by the School of Modern Languages and Cultures through the Routes into Languages network. This event will run as a mock COP 30 Climate Change Summit and will allow pupils to:
- explore with us the key issues around climate change and how it affects Spanish and French speaking countries
- decode language related to the environment and climate change relevant to the GCSE syllabus
The event will challenge pupils in Year 9 to use
- language skills
- teamwork and presentation skills
- problem solving
Our SMLC staff team will be supported by our wonderful team of SMLC student ambassadors, and we will welcome a guest speaker from our GSD Department here at Warwick (Global Sustainable Development)
Who is it for?
Local Coventry and Warwickshire schools and those who are part of our Routes into Languages network can apply to attend. We would recommend schools bring pupils in Year 9 who have an interest in studying French or Spanish or who may need just a little push to encourage them to choose it at GCSE! It would also be an ideal enrichment opportunity for students on pupil premium registers. We will prioritise schools who meet our widening participation criteria (higher than average % of pupils on free school meals and/or school postcode in lower polar quintile area), otherwise allocation of places will be on a first come first served basis.
The event will take place on Friday 28 February 2025 10-2:30pm on central campus at The University of Warwick. We have space for 4 schools to attend, with each bringing 10 Year 9 pupils. They will work in teams of 5 and each team will be allocated a country to represent at the mock COP 30 Summit.
There is no cost attached to the event, but schools must arrange their own transport to campus and pupils must bring a packed lunch. Further details will be provided once places have been allocated.
How do I sign up?
Please complete the details on the sign-up form by 23 January but we reserve the right to close submissions earlier if we reach capacity. Schools need to upload a letter from a member of your school’s senior leadership team which confirms that you have permission to bring pupils to the event. Please note that signing up does not guarantee a place but please only do so if you are committed to attending as we are expecting lots of interest! Schools who have a place will be notified by 30 January.