Postgraduate hardship fund
The School of Modern Languages and Cultures holds a small fund to support students completing postgraduate degrees whose ability to complete and submit their thesis or dissertation before the end of their formal registration is compromised by financial difficulties. Students who believe they are or will be in this position are recommended to discuss their situation in the first instance with their supervisor, course convenor or personal tutor, and then, if appropriate, to complete and submit the application form.
The fund is intended for students in the fourth year of PhD research or in the final three months of an MA degree.
I had full funding, fees and maintenance, for my PhD. Am I still eligible to apply to the hardship fund?
Yes, if your funding has ceased or will cease imminently.
How much can I apply for?
The maximum award level is normally 50% of the standard RCUK maintenance grant, for a maximum of three months. Other amounts may be considered in special circumstances. You will be required to explain the amount of funding you need and for what purposes in the application form.
Can I or should I apply for hardship funds from other sources?
Yes, you may apply also to other sources, such as the Graduate School's Hardship Fund. You will need to specify these in the application form, and include them in your justification of the total amount you are requesting.
When should I submit my application?
You may apply at any time, although you are encouraged to apply in anticipation of financial difficulty. Disbursements from the fund will usually only be made in the fourth year of PhD research (or subsequent extension period) or in the final three months of an MA degree.
Where and how should I submit my application?
The application form should be sent by email to the SMLC Director of Graduate Studies, Professor Oliver Davis O dot Davis at warwick dot ac dot uk and to the SMLC administrator, Teresa Forysiak, teresa dot forysiak at warwick dot ac dot uk.
I have other circumstances, as well as financial ones, which might prevent me from completing on time. Shall I apply to the hardship fund anyway?
If there are other issues affecting your ability to complete, you may be better advised to seek temporary withdrawal from your course or to seek an extension to your registration period. You should discuss this in the first instance with your supervisor and the SMLC Director of Graduate Studies.