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IAS Visiting Fellow: Alina Marazzi

We are delighted to announce that Italian filmmaker, Alina Marazzi, was hosted by the Department of Italian and the Department of Film and Television Studies as an IAS Short-Term Visiting Fellow from 27th January to 9th February 2014.

Marazzi's films include:

Un'ora sola ti vorrei; For One More Hour with You (2002)

Vogliamo anche le rose; We Want Roses Too (2007)

Tutto parla di te; All About You (2012)


Monday 27th January, 12-1pm, H0.58 (Humanities): lecture on Vogliamo anche le rose, as part of undergraduate module on Italian Cinema.

Monday 27th January, 5.15-7.15pm, A1.27 (Millburn House): screening of Tutto parla di te.

Tuesday 28th January, 4-5.30pm, A0.26 (Millburn House): masterclass for postgraduate students by Alina Marazzi, 'The I and the Eye'.

Thursday 30th January, 10-11am, H4.03 (Humanities): seminar led by Alina Marazzi on Vogliamo anche le rose, as part of undergraduate module on Italian Cinema.

Friday 31st January, 3-6pm, R1.15 (Ramphal): seminar, 'The Past Before Us: Uses of History in 21st-Century Italy', with writer, Giorgio Vasta, Alina Marazzi, and PhD researchers, Cecilia Ghidotti (Bologna) and Kate Willman (Warwick).

Saturday 1st February, 10am-6pm, MS.05 (Zeeman Building): symposium, 'The Female Gaze', with Laura Mulvey (Birkbeck), Emma Wilson (Cambridge), Fiona Handyside (Exeter), and Alina Marazzi; round table also with Nicola Gardini (Oxford).

Wednesday 5th February, 5-7pm, S0.19 (Social Sciences): public lecture by Alina Marazzi, 'First-Person Filmmaking'.

Thursday 6th February, 6-8pm, Italian Cultural Institute, London: screening of Tutto parla di te, with discussion with Alina Marazzi and introduction by Dr Cristina Gamberi.