Staff interests and expertise
Professor Seán Hand
Seán Hand's interests in translation principally relate to his rendering into English of three books of philosophy as well as numerous essays by French contemporary thinkers.
Book-length translations
- Eric Blondel, Nietzsche. The Body and Culture, a translation, with glossary, London, Athlone, 1991, 353 pp. ISBN hardback 0804715513, paperback 0804719063. Reprinted (Bloomsbury) 2000.
- Emmanuel Levinas, Difficult Freedom. Essays on Judaism, a translation, with glossary, London, Athlone, 1990, 306 pp. ISBN hardback 0485113791, paperback (Johns Hopkins) 1997 080185783X. Reprinted 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015.
- Gilles Deleuze, Foucault, a translation, with introduction, London, Athlone, 1988, xiv + 157 pp. ISBN hardback 0485113457, paperback (Continuum) 1999, 2006 0826490786.
Chapter-length translations
- (with Furst), ‘Philippe Hamon on the Major Features of Realist Discourse’, in Realism, ed. L. R. Furst, London and New York, Longman, 1992, pp. 166-85.
- ‘Emmanuel Levinas: Reflections on the Philosophy of Hitlerism’, Critical Inquiry, 17 (1990), 62-71. Reprinted in Difficult Justice. Commentaries on Levinas and Politics, eds A. Horowitz and G. Horowitz, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, ISBN hardback 080208009X, pp. 3-11.
- (with Temple), ‘Ethics as First Philosophy’, pp. 75-87; ‘The Transcendence of Words’, pp. 144-49; ‘The Other in Proust’, pp. 160-65; ‘Judaism’, pp. 250-52; ‘Judaism and the Present’, pp. 252-9; ‘The State of Israel and the Religion of Israel’, pp. 259-63; and ‘Means of Identification’, pp. 263-6, all in The Levinas Reader, ed. S. Hand, Oxford, Blackwell, 1989.
- ‘Talking about Polylogue’, pp. 110-17; and ‘Sexual Difference’, pp. 118-30, both in French Feminist Thought, ed. T. Moi, Oxford, Blackwell, 1987, ISBN hardback 0631149724, paperback 0631149732. Reprinted in Twentieth-Century Transitions, ed. P. Waugh, London, Arnold, 1995. ‘Sexual Difference’ reprinted in The Irigaray Reader, ed. M. Whitford, Oxford, Blackwell, ISBN hardback 0631170421, paperback 063117043X, pp. 165-77.
- ‘From Symbol to Sign’, pp. 62-73; ‘Semiotics: A Critical Science and/or a Critique of Science’, pp. 74-88; ‘About Chinese Women’, pp. 138-59; ‘The True-Real’, pp. 214-37; ‘Why the United States?’, pp. 272-91; ‘A New Type of Intellectual: the Dissident’, 292-300, all in The Kristeva Reader, ed. T. Moi, Oxford, Blackwell, 1986, ISBN hardback 0231063245, paperback 0631149317.
- ‘The Tensor’, Oxford Literary Review, 7 (1985), 25-40. Reprinted in The Lyotard Reader, ed. A. Benjamin, Oxford, Blackwell, 1989, ISBN hardback 0631163387, paperback 1991 0631163395, pp.1-18.
Talks relating to translation
'Translating Pain', keynote address at Monash University, August 2015.