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Arts Faculty News

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Lonely Planet co-founder launches new history of travel writing PhD at the University of Warwick

Philanthropist and co-founder of the Lonely Planet, Tony Wheeler, has funded and launched a new series of PhD scholarships in the history of travel writing at the University of Warwick.

From Warwick to Law School

David Curwen (BA History 1985) was inspired during his time at Warwick to pursue a career in Law. He is now devoted to helping people who struggle with legal problems to help make a positive impact on their lives.

A Family of Warwick Graduates

Anita Chagar (BA English Literature, 2015), Samita Sall (BA History, 2018) and Kerry Flora (BA French with Spanish, 2022) are all cousins and Warwick alumnae. We caught up with them to talk to them about their time on campus, their favourite memories from their time here and what they’re doing now.

In conversation with award-winning theatre and TV producer and director and alumn: Lawrence Till

Award-winning theatre and TV producer and director Lawrence Till (BA English and Theatre Studies, 1985) has blazed a trail in the Arts with a host of recognisable productions to his name. He tells us how Warwick helped him lay those firm foundations for success and how the common ethos shared by Warwick alumni is one of the most powerful he’s come across.

The Power of Pushing Yourself

Benjamin Nuga (BA French with Chinese, 2022), has already diversified his skill set by working as a production assistant, scriptwriter, and musician and he’s also been a contestant on Countdown. Having only graduated in 2022, his achievements are centered around his willingness to step outside his comfort zone.

Warwick Alumni Win in StudyUK Awards

Two Warwick alumni have scooped the win at the StudyUK Awards that celebrates UK higher education and achievements of alumni across the world.

The prestigious international awards, hosted by the British Council, had more than 1,450 applications from 100 countries. The selected winners, who all studied at UK universities, were chosen from four categories. Kamila Lukpanova (MA Global Media and Communication, 2013) was awarded the Culture and Creativity Award and Yerkenaz Zholymbayeva (MSc Industrial Process Management, 2015) received the Science and Sustainability Award in a ceremony in Kazakhstan

Warwick Award - Arts Showcase - Pathways to Employability

Warwick Award provides students (UG/PGT) with a pathway to get recognition for the skills they develop as part of their course as well as other activities they can get involved with. Students can claim points by reflecting on all of these different activities through a process that helps them articulate the skills and experience they have learned. So far there are 52 students from the Faculty of Arts that have achieved their silver and gold awards. On this page we are showcasing six of our student awardees and their thoughts after participating in the scheme. In particular, they reflect on how useful they think their achievements in the Warwick Award will be to their future life and career after graduation.

Hidden Figures in History

A look back at the hidden figures in History

As we reflect on pivotal moments throughout history, such as the suffragette movement, the Second World War, or the abolition of slavery, there is a tendency to overlook the names and stories of disabled individuals who played a critical role in shaping the course of history.

A researcher from the University of Warwick has investigated the lives of five hidden figures who deserve to be discussed and remembered. Mia Edwards, comments: “More often than not, when we look back through time, we forget to talk about historical figures who are more hidden from the traditional narratives and stories that we might tell about certain events and periods. These people have made remarkable contributions to our world throughout history.

The Secret World of Publishing

Emily Wells (BA English Literature and Creative Writing, 2013) has a job many booklovers would envy: she gets to read for a living. As Senior Editor for a division of world publishing giant Hachette, her week is spent dissecting what makes a story sell and succeed on the market.

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