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Arts Faculty News

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Faculty of Arts UG Module Fair 30th April

The Arts Faculty is holding an undergraduate elective choice module fair on Tuesday, 30th April 2024 from 13.00 – 16.00 in the FAB on the ground floor and on the mezzanine.

The fair is aimed at first year and second year UG students choosing their elective modules for the following year.

Representatives will be present from across our Arts departments and disciplines: Classics & Ancient History, Cultural Media Policy Studies, Design Studies, English & Comparative Literary Studies, Film & Television Studies, Global Sustainable Development, History, History of Art, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages and the Language Centre, Theatre and Performance Studies, Warwick Writing Programme.

Also present will be representatives from IATL, WIISP, Warwick Business School’s Gateway to Business, School of Law, SELCs – Teaching Education and Education Studies, Warwick Award, Student Opportunity plus the Arts Study Café and the Digital Arts and Humanities Lab.

A Family of Warwick Graduates

Anita Chagar (BA English Literature, 2015), Samita Sall (BA History, 2018) and Kerry Flora (BA French with Spanish, 2022) are all cousins and Warwick alumnae. We caught up with them to talk to them about their time on campus, their favourite memories from their time here and what they’re doing now.

The Power of Pushing Yourself

Benjamin Nuga (BA French with Chinese, 2022), has already diversified his skill set by working as a production assistant, scriptwriter, and musician and he’s also been a contestant on Countdown. Having only graduated in 2022, his achievements are centered around his willingness to step outside his comfort zone.

The Power of Pushing Yourself

Benjamin Nuga (BA French with Chinese, 2022), has already diversified his skill set by working as a production assistant, scriptwriter, and musician and he’s also been a contestant on Countdown. Having only graduated in 2022, his achievements are centered around his willingness to step outside his comfort zone.

EUTOPIA Languages Week 2023, 6 - 10 March 2023

Join us from 6-10 March to celebrate languages, cultures, and the diversity of our global community.

Engage in virtual and in-person activities and events to develop your global outlook, meet new people, and be inspired to continue to enhance your international experience.


WASWASA: Whispers in Prayer

Dr James Hodkinson from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures has been collaborating with Birmingham-based Soul City Arts on their latest project, Waswasa: a multi-disciplinary art show staged in an immersive setting at Birmingham Hippodrome, using real-life community narratives to explore the act of Islamic prayer and what that means in a modern, secular society.

Lead artist Mohammed Ali and his team aim to demystify this familiar yet misunderstood tradition through an extraordinary multi-media show that will challenge perceptions. The show relates deeply to people of no faith too, as we all struggle with achieving that higher state of focus with things like social media, technology and other distractions dominating our lives.

Thursday 25 Aug – Saturday 3 Sep 2022 at Birmingham Hippodrome

Part of the Birmingham 2022 Festival

Buy Tickets for Waswasa:

How do you find that elusive flow state? How can we focus in a world of distractions?

Join the conversation: #WaswasaShow #B2022Festival @SoulCityArts @AliAerosol @BrumHippodrome

    Arts Faculty at the Resonate Festival 2022 - 19 - 21 April

    The Resonate FestivalLink opens in a new window is due to culminate in a multi-day festival on the University of Warwick campus from 19 - 21 April. Helen Wheatley, Festival Director and Arts very own Professor of Film & Television Studies, is inviting you to come and participate in an exciting programmeLink opens in a new window of activities and events. The FAB, Warwick's stunning new Faculty of Arts Building and the Warwick Arts CentreLink opens in a new window are at the very centre of these arts and cultural events, which include contributions from Arts colleagues as follows:

    Classics and Ancient History

    Michael Scott’s Was Fake News a Problem in Ancient Athens

    Paul Grigsby’s Roman Coventry Activity Day

    Francesca Modini’s Roman Coventry and Music


    Cross Faculty Studies

    Kirsten Harris’s Freedom in Utopia

    English and Comparative Literary Studies

    Justin Tackett’s Make Some Noise


    Beat Kümin’s Rethinking Hospitality

    David Lees’ Cooking up the Past

    Martha McGill’s Invisible Worlds: Humans and the Supernatural Enlightenment in Britain


    School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

    Ronan Hatfull’s To Tell My Story: Remaking Hamlet – workshop on restaging Hamlet with Zoe Templeman Young and Devon Glover

    Michael Pigott’s Listening to our Environments workshop and Concrete Cinema installation

    Vishalakshi Roy’s Coventry Made Me ­

    School of Modern Languages and Cultures

    James Hodkinson’s The Art of Visual Storytelling

    Alison Ribeiro de Menezes’s Rewind

    Kate Astbury’s Celebrating Languages

    Zhiyan Guo’s Chinese Culture in Words, Voices and Music

    Mary Harrod’s Let’s Talk About Sex

    Coventry Community Languages Project Wins Parliament UK Award

    A Coventry community language project involving the city’s schools, universities, local council, businesses and MPs has been named Parliament UK Community Campaign of the Year in the Your UK Parliament Awards 2022.

    Academic Support Mentoring

    Students from Film and TV, History, and the School of Modern Languages have started to support a new and exciting programme to help Widening Participation students in our local area. From late February to mid-May student’s from the Faculty of Arts will be providing weekly academic support mentoring in schools across Coventry and Warwickshire. Over a 100 school children will be supported with their GCSE and A Levels, alongside their homework and information about university. The small group mentoring will then culminate in a celebratory visit to campus for all the mentees.

    Open Days for Prospective Students 2021

    Come and visit the beautiful University of Warwick campus and find out about our Arts departments and courses at our 2021 Open Days

    There are 3 autumn 2021 in person Open Days for prospective students to come and visit the University of Warwick campus: 9 October, 23 October and 6 November. The 6 November is particularly focused on the Arts and Humanities, but if you cannot make the 6th you are very welcome to come on the other dates. Our new Arts building (FAB) is reaching completion and we hope to be able to offer tours on the 6th November.

    We will have staff and students from our Arts departments available to answer questions at the Information Fairs on the 9th and 23rd October. On the 6th November we are planning a mixture of subject-based drop-ins, workshops and presentations.

    Virtual Open Days with academic presentations about the courses are being held in the week 25-29 October 2021.

    Booking has opened and we look forward to seeing you either in person or virtually.

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