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Global Sustainable Development News

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Panel discussion with staff and students in GSD on youth empowerment in climate action

Dr Marta Guerriero, Dr Jess Savage, Todd Olive, and Šimon Michalčík smiling, during the panel session

As part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2021, staff and students from the GSD Department explored the importance of youth engagement in climate action. Hear from Dr Marta Guerriero, Associate Professor; Dr Jess Savage, Assistant Professor; Todd Olive, current MASc student; and Šimon Michalčík, a final-year GSD and Business Studies student, about the barriers young people face when engaging with climate action. During the session, Šimon shares his experiences with Plant-for-the-Planet, an international NGO supporting reforestation across the world; and Todd tells us about the Warwick Climate Negotiating Forum (WCNF), a simulation of the UN’s global climate negotiations.

Watch the panel recording.

SCFS Work Placement Talk and Live Q&A

The School for Cross-faculty Studies (SCFS) Work Placement Talk and Live Q&A event will be taking place on Tuesday 23 November 2021 at 5:30-7 pm UK time on Microsoft Teams (link to join event).

This event is exclusively for students from the School for Cross-faculty Studies.

Webinar on the real cost of food by GSD academics

Fruit on supermarket shelves

Earlier this week, Romain Chenet, Teaching Fellow in GSD, and Dr Alastair Smith, Senior Teaching Fellow in GSD, discussed the hidden and not-so hidden climate costs of the food in our fridges and pantries. The webinar included a short presentation followed by an invitation to join in a “show and tell” where the effects of climate change on food production and what you can do to help were explored.

Catch up on the webinar online here.

This event was part of the 2021 ESRC Festival of Social Science. You can find out more about the rest of the programme for the Festival here.

Thu 04 Nov 2021, 10:01 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development Event

School for Cross-faculty Studies staff and students present at Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference

The 5th Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference, hosted by the University of Warwick, took place virtually on 15 April 2021 and brought together a diverse range of speakers and audiences including those involved in Liberal Arts, joint honours degrees, and single interdisciplinary modules.

Staff and students from the School for Cross-faculty Studies presented during the conference, sharing their experiences with collaboration, co-construction of knowledge, and practice underpinning interdisciplinary teaching and learning.

SCFS Work Placement Talk and Live Q&A

The School for Cross-faculty Studies (SCFS) Work Placement Talk and Live Q&A event will be taking place on Wednesday 9 December 2020, 6-7:30 pm on Microsoft Teams. This event is exclusively for SCFS students, relevant to students across all years.

Dr Mandy Sadan delivers keynote for Himalayan University Consortium event

The Himalayan mountains

Dr Mandy Sadan, Associate Professor in GSD, will be presenting a public keynote lecture for the Himalayan University Consortium titled 'Learning from Life Stories'. The event is part of a publishing seminar for early-career researchers running from 1 - 11 December 2020 called 'Storying the Sustainable Intelligence of the Earth in the New Himalaya', in which Mandy will also be taking part as a mentor.

Wed 25 Nov 2020, 09:00 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development Event

Get involved: The World Innovation Challenge

Registration for the World Innovation Challenge is currently open until Monday 5 October 2020.

This is a great opportunity for Warwick students to work in international teams with Monash University students. The aim is to create a business idea that tackles a key sustainability challenge. The Challenge starts on Friday 9 October 2020 at 9:30 am (BST). Participants will work online for 48 hours (including sleep/resting and other work) to make a business plan.

Tue 29 Sep 2020, 09:00 | Tags: Student stories IGSD Global Sustainable Development Event

School for Cross-faculty Studies students to present at ICUR 2020

The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) is an annual academic conference, led and sponsored by the University of Warwick and Monash University, connecting student researchers globally using video conferencing technology.

This year, the forum will take place on the 29-30 September and will be modified to accommodate current pandemic restrictions. Both audience and presenters will join the conference virtually through the new ICUR App. A number of students from the School for Cross-faculty Studies will be presenting their research at ICUR next week.

Upcoming event: Launch of Warwick’s report on the UN Sustainable Development Goals

On Friday 25 September 2020 at 12-1pm (UK time), Warwick will be launching its inaugural report on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report will highlight the University’s progress towards the SDGs, covering case studies on various initiatives that are contributing towards the goals.

This first report of its kind is the product of collaboration between academics across the University and the Sustainability team in Estates. From the School for Cross-faculty Studies, the working group has included the Head of School, Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla; and the Director of the Institute for Global Sustainable Development (IGSD), Professor João Porto de Albuquerque.

During the event, the University’s Provost, Professor Christine Ennew, will introduce the report before handing over to members of the group who’ve been involved in its production to expand on some of its key areas. There will be time for discussion, and the event aims to offer an opportunity for the Warwick community to reflect on the progress to date and contribute to a discussion on what might come next.

How to register

This event will take place on Microsoft Teams and is open to all. You can register for the event here. By registering for the event you will be sent the link to the event and a copy of the report.

Find out more about the event.

Wed 23 Sep 2020, 09:00 | Tags: GSD IGSD Global Sustainable Development Event

Dr Leon Sealey-Huggins co-organises upcoming conference on climate justice with RiGG NET

Taking place next week on 2-3 September 2020, the Disruption, Decarbonisation and Reparations conference is an online series of events "bringing together activists, civil society leaders, and academics working towards the common goal of climate justice, broadly construed". Organised by Warwick's interdisciplinary Research in Global Governance Network (RiGG NET), the conference aims to touch on many of the diverse issues that form part of the climate justice conversation.

Dr Leon Sealey-Huggins, Assistant Professor in GSD, is a co-organiser of the event and will be involved in a number of sessions, including:

Each session during the two-day conference will consist of a panel-style event in which contributors present their work, followed by a group discussion and questions.

Staff and students are welcome to register and attend. You can register for the conference here. 

Fri 28 Aug 2020, 08:28 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development Event

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