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Former IGSD Training School Participants Pilot Water Governance and Biodiversity Project in Thailand

A team of early career researchers recently completed a successful hybrid participatory workshop focused on water governance and biodiversity in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop was organised by former participants of the Institute for Global Sustainable Development (IGSD) Sustainability Training School, with support from the University of Warwick and Thammasat University.

The project, a testament to the impact of the IGSD training, brought together experts from a range of institutions including Mahidol University, Thailand Policy Lab, UNDP Thailand, Asian Institute of Technology, University of Manchester, Monash University, University of Glasgow, Thailand Royal Irrigation Department, GIZ, and Lagos University.

Despite the challenges of coordinating across time zones and amidst ongoing thesis writing, the organisers successfully delivered a valuable learning and collaboration experience.

This pilot project is just one example of the many initiatives led by the IGSD Sustainability Training School participants around the world, demonstrating the lasting impact of the program on fostering sustainable development research and action.

Find out more about the IGSD Sustainability training school here

WUB Hub webinar: Economies Under Siege, Paths for Reconstruction

The Warwick Ukraine-Belarus Hub convened its webinar 'Economies Under Siege, Paths for Reconstruction'. The speakers were: Ivan Us, Chief Consultant with the National Institute for Strategic Studies (Ukraine); Nigel Gould-Davies, Senior Fellow for Russia and Eurasia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (UK); Lev Lvovskiy, Academic Director, BEROC; and Tatiana Termacic, Head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Migration, Refugees, and Displaced Persons, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Recordings of all webinars in the series are available on our website here.

Tue 28 May 2024, 11:26 | Tags: WUB-hub project, IGSD Event, Belarus Ukraine Russia's war

Our STS 2.0 alumnus, Tieza Santos, joins the NASA SciX team!

Tieza Santos, ECR STS 2.0 alumnus and a Doctoral candidate at Technische Universitat Dresden, EUTOPIA Alliance, has been chosen as a Lead Ambassador for the NASA SciH Team programme 2024-26. The NASA SciX Ambassadors are community advocates working with the NASA SciX staff. Together, they are building a better interdisciplinary digital library system. NASA SciX makes research in astrophysics, planetary science, heliophysics, and earth science more findable and accessible. An Ambassador’s responsibilities include:

§ Facilitating a robust network among their cohort and the broader NASA SciX community.

§ Engaging with their local and professional communities to promote the values and goals of NASA SciX.

§ Contributing to the NASA SciX blog and online forums, sharing their insights and experiences.

Tieza joined IGSD STS 2.0 in April 2024, and swiftly became its most member. We congratulate Tieza, an 'accidental scientist' as she calls herself, on this great award, and look forward to working together in building a robust community of ECRs for more a sustainable future!


Sustainability Spotlight Network+ Initiative - is live now!

Sustainability Spotlight Network+ Initiative

During the Warwick Research Culture Day on 29 April 2024, the new interdisciplinary Spotlight Initiatives were launched to replace GRPs and to drive the university forward into a new REF landscape. One of them - Sustainability Spotlight - was won by a collective of researchers, led by IGSD.

Sustainability Spotlight is set to be a network-of-networks, focusing on research on sustainability. In addition to IGSD, it includes 4 other networks – the Environmental Humanities Network (led by Prof. Graeme Macdonald, Faculty of Arts), the Sustainable Society Network (led by Prof. Giuliana Battisti, WBS), WESIC (led by Prof. Gary Bending, Life Sciences) and WMG Materials & Innovation Network (led by Associate Prof. Stuart Coles) – and brings together over 2000 researchers! We aim for the network to be all-inclusive, and its objectives are:

  • Creation of a single information and communication space for all, with a focus on sustainability research
  • Visualisation of our networks
  • Nurture the ECR community and STS
  • Generating joint funding opportunities
  • Holding a sustainability forum with external stakeholders

We are planning to have an informal launch in early July, and everyone whose research focuses on sustainability is warmly welcome! We will announce the programme soon. Please follow us on

Prof Elena Korosteleva & Dr Tatsiana Chulitskaya (WUB-Hub) were invited to train Future Leaders for Belarus at the invitation of John Smith Trust

At the invitation of John Smith Trust, Professor Elena Korosteleva and Dr Tatsiana Chulitskaya (WUB-hub) were invited to train the first cohort of the Future Leaders from Belarus in Oxford. This was a great opportunity to establish professional connections, and to offer feedback to the Action Plans of the JST Fellows. They are invited to be part of the WUB-hub conference on 28 June 2024, held in Europe House, with high-level policy, academic & practitioner stakeholders. The JST & IGSD will work together on developing a bespoke training programme for the future JST fellows at Warwick.

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