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Coming Out Day 2021 - What can we do to make coming out/being out easier?

2 in 5 LGBT+ students in the UK have hidden their identity at university for fear of discrimination (3 in 5 for trans students), and 1 in 8 aren't out to anyone at their university (including friends). [Stonewall, 2018]

Whilst 'coming out' is often envisioned as a one-time occurrence i.e. you're either 'out' to everyone, or not at all, most LGBTQUA+ people are faced with the prospect of coming out repeatedly to an array of different people in their lives; to family, friends, coursemates, hallmates, tutors, lecturers, colleagues, line managers, and even to themselves.

Coming out is particularly a source of anxiety when LGBTQUA+ people find themselves unsure what reception they may get from others, with 1 in 7 LGBT+ students facing negative comments or conduct from UK HE staff in a 12 month period (1 in 3 for trans students), and 1 in 3 being the target of negative comments or conduct from other students (3 in 5 for trans students). [Stonewall, 2018]

What can we do to make coming out/being out easier?

Being a visible LGBTQUA+ ally/supporter is a key way in which we can all reduce the barriers to coming out/being out at Warwick. Check out the Queering University programme and the LGBTQUA+ Inclusion - Getting Started webpages for ideas.

Being aware of key resources such as the "I'm part of the LGBTQUA+ community" and/or "I'm part of the trans community" resources which LGBTQUA+ students and staff can use to facilitate coming out to others, such as their tutor or line manager. You can familiarise yourself with these resources in advance, and share them to ensure they reach those who need them. They include a section on how to respond to someone who comes out to you.

External resources which can support people to explore their sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and to come out to others if they choose, include:

Supporting work at Warwick to improve LGBTQUA+ student and staff experiences fundamentally makes Warwick a safer and more inclusive environment in which to work and study. LGBTQUA+ initiatives which are open to allies/supporters, such as the LGBTQUA+ Events Group and the Rainbow Allies scheme, are summarised online here.

Mon 11 Oct 2021, 15:34 | Tags: resources, awareness day