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"I'm part of the trans community"

If you have been sent this link, the sender would like you to know that they are part of the trans community.

You should keep this information confidential unless they advise you otherwise - they may or may not be out to others as trans.

A trans person is someone whose gender identity differs from the gender they were assigned at birth. Being trans is not a sexual orientation, and does not dictate a trans person's sexual orientation; trans people can be heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bi, asexual, or another orientation.

How you can support them

Educate yourself

If you are not already familiar, there is an introductory resource available on key LGBTQUIA+ terms and concepts. There is also a glossary for future reference.

There are many other resources, training opportunities, and events which can support you in educating yourself about trans identities, experiences, and related issues. You might want to start by:

Commit to trans allyship

Use your knowledge and self-education efforts to act in allyship with the trans community. This means actively engaging with, implementing, developing, and sharing trans-inclusive practice.

Commit to ongoing self-education about trans identities, experiences, and related issues. Language and trans-inclusive practice continues to evolve, and no one is exempt from the need for ongoing self-education and reflection, even those within the LGBTQUIA+ community.

Support them

Work with the person who sent you this resource to identify any support they may need, from yourself or others. There are many sources of support available, within the University and Students' Union, and externally. This directory of support for LGBTQUIA+ people lists many of them. This directory of support for LGBTQUIA+ people lists many of them. In particular, the trans community support group offers space to discuss trans and gender identity issues in a relaxed environment with others who are part of the Warwick trans and questioning community. There is also support and guidance for anyone supporting an LGBTQUIA+ person.

The 'Guide to Being Trans at Warwick' covers many of the processes, policies, services and groups trans people may need to access, particularly if they are transitioning.

The University's Dignity at Warwick Policy and Trans and Gender Reassignment Policy outline the rights and responsibilities of University community members, unacceptable behaviours, and the process for reporting and responding to inappropriate behaviour. The Report & Support service at Warwick can provide support and routes to report transphobia (including anonymously).

How you can respond to the person who sent you this resource

  1. Please thank whoever sent you to this resource. Coming out to someone as trans, especially when you aren't sure how they will respond, is a daunting experience. It takes considerable courage and emotional labour.
  2. Reassure them that you support them, and that you want to be an effective ally. You may want to share any action you have taken to improve your understanding or effective allyship, to evidence your commitment.
  3. Explore what support they may need from you, particularly if you are their line manager, tutor, or lecturer. However, peer support should not be under-estimated.
  4. Ask how they would like to be addressed, in terms of their name, pronouns, and any gendered language used to refer to them.
  5. Seek support with any questions you may have, ask for information and resources you need, and access any other support you might require. Maintain confidentiality in doing so. It is not appropriate to expect or rely on trans people to educate and support you.

This resource was created as part of the Queering University programme.