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Trans-Inclusive Teaching Guidance

"Try this: Imagine the world as a place where anyone can safely and even joyfully express themselves the way they've always wanted to. Nothing about the bodies they were born with or what they choose to do with those bodies - how they dress them, or decorate, or trim or augment them - would get people laughed at, or targeted, or in any way deprived of their rights. Can you imagine a world like that?"

Kate Bornstein (Author)

This resource provides a starting point for staff and students wishing to make the student learning experience inclusive for trans & gender diverse students.

Further support and resources on this topic are available via WIHEA Connect's trans-inclusive pedagogy portal.

A trans person is someone who identifies as a gender different to that which they were assigned at birth.

Gender diverse people include those who identify outside of the gender binary of male and female (non-binary, genderqueer, agender etc.) and/or who do not conform to the gendered expectations placed on them.

Further support with terminology is available via this glossary of terms.

It is important to support these students as they can often become excluded by the cisnormative and binary infrastructure of the university institutions. Whilst work in this area has increased in recent years, there is still much to be done.

Understanding trans and gender-diverse student experiences

Developing gender-diverse and trans-inclusive practice

Wider work on trans-inclusion in the Warwick context

Additional resources

This resource was developed by Hannah Ayres, PhD student in Sociology at the University of Warwick, using a wider range of resources and her own extensive expertise. Sam Parr, Campaigns & Liberation Advisor from Warwick’s Students’ Union helped steer the work undertaken and gave sage advice. The work was funded from Prof Gwen van der Velden’s National Teaching Fellowship award funding, generously provided by the University of Warwick. The team is particularly grateful to the good number of staff and students who shared observations and good practice advice, some of which has been incorporated and referenced in this resource. We also thank Lisa Drummond, WIHEA Administrative lead, who was key to realising our ambitions for this resource.