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New discovery stops bacterial virus contamination

A new discovery by researchers at the University of Warwick could help stop bacteria being contaminated with viruses, reducing disruption and decreasing costs in industry and research. Read moreLink opens in a new window

Tue 18 Apr 2023, 12:58 | Tags: PolymerChem MatPolymers Research news Impact

Medherant to develop world’s only testosterone patch for menopause

A company born out of ground-breaking research at Warwick has raised millions to develop a testosterone patch for people suffering from low libido and reduced zest for life due to the menopause. Read moreLink opens in a new window

Mon 03 Apr 2023, 11:42 | Tags: news PolymerChem MatPolymers Research news Impact

Tiny materials have huge solar energy applications

Tiny materials one hundred thousand times smaller than the width of a strand of hair could be used to improve solar cell technology. Read more...Link opens in a new window

Thu 30 Mar 2023, 07:00 | Tags: news MatPolymers

Evonik invests in Warwick Chemistry spinout, IPL

Evonik has invested in Warwick Chemistry spinout company, Interface Polymers Ltd. Its technology simplifies the processing of mixed plastics and also their recycling. Read moreLink opens in a new window.

Wed 22 Mar 2023, 11:21 | Tags: news PolymerChem MatPolymers Research news Impact

World-class centre for single electron diffraction a UK first

A new centre based jointly at the University of Southampton and Warwick will become a game changer for chemical industries, including manufacturing, pharma and electronics.

Wed 25 Jan 2023, 16:03 | Tags: news MatPolymers Research news

New Method to Cryopreserve 3D Tissue Models

Liver cell spheroids are cryopreserved using macromolecular cryoprotectants, which will enable their easy banking and sharing. Read more..;

Mon 09 Jan 2023, 11:36 | Tags: news MatPolymers Research news Impact

New technology puts deodorants to the test

Prof Dave Haddleton's group collaborated with scientists at Unilever to develop SweatSense - a new technology to test deodorant performance through sweat mapping. Read moreLink opens in a new window.

Tue 03 Jan 2023, 12:27 | Tags: news MatPolymers Research news Impact

Warwick joins EPSRC, Lubrizol and Nottingham in SCIENCE drive

Sustainable Chemicals Innovations Enabling Net Carbon Emissions (SCIENCE): A Lubrizol, Nottingham, and Warwick EPSRC Prosperity Partnership has launched. Find out moreLink opens in a new window.

Tue 11 Oct 2022, 11:56 | Tags: news MatPolymers Research news

New technique for freezing cells validated by study

A new technique for freezing cells for use in biomedical research, based on polymer technology developed at the University of Warwick, has been validated in study, paving the way for faster results for scientists...Link opens in a new window

Tue 23 Aug 2022, 12:25 | Tags: news PolymerChem MatPolymers Research news

Chemistry Master's degrees Royal Society of Chemistry Accredited

Warwick Chemistry is now offering three Master's course that are accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). Read moreLink opens in a new window

Tue 28 Jun 2022, 13:15 | Tags: news PolymerChem MatPolymers Education Postgraduates

Prof Matt Gibson to attend senior UK COVID event

Prof Matthew Gibson was invited to attend the Royal Society’s Science of COVID invitation-only conference this week. Read more

Wed 30 Mar 2022, 10:42 | Tags: news people MatPolymers Impact

€150,000 grant for nanomedicine research

Professor Sebastien Perrier receives €150,000 for DELIBRUSH project looking into the potential for using a new family of nanoparticles to improve medicines. Read moreLink opens in a new window.

Tue 08 Feb 2022, 11:34 | Tags: news MatPolymers Research news

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