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Warwick awarded £11m to train PhD students in computational modelling

The new centre, co-led by Warwick Chemistry's Dr Livia Bartok-Partay, will train 50 PhD students to use computational modelling to tackle pressing global sustainability challenges.

Wed 13 Mar 2024, 14:24 | Tags: news, Education

Exploring the chemistry behind chemistry this Valentine’s Day

This Valentine's Day Dr Alex Baker explores the real chemistry behind chemistry and explains how flowers and chocolates are as good as any love

Wed 14 Feb 2024, 16:41 | Tags: news, Outreach

Warwick RSC prize winners on film and on tour

As Warwick Chemists begin their prize-winners' lecture tours, they react to receiving prestigious RSC Prizes in films celebrating their achievements.

Tue 13 Feb 2024, 14:47 | Tags: news people Research news

A big step forward for Interface Polymers Ltd

Warwick Chemistry spinout Interface Polymers Ltd (IPL) announces a ground-breaking achievement – the commercial scale-up of their first product. More at

Tue 06 Feb 2024, 18:18 | Tags: news Polymers Research news Impact

PhD Student, Satarupa Das, attends GYSS 2024

Satarupa, a PhD student under the supervision of Prof Richard Walton, met with students and distinguished speakers from around the world at this prestigious event.

We are seeking to support talented candidates for UKRI FLF Round 9

Warwick Chemistry is seeking to support talented candidates for the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships - Round 9. Expression of Interest Due 19 February.

Thu 18 Jan 2024, 11:17 | Tags: news Research news

Mimicking photosynthesis to make life on Mars possible.

Dr Katherina Brinkert interviewed in BBC Science Focus magazine on solar power in space.

Wed 03 Jan 2024, 10:15 | Tags: news Research news Women in Chemistry Energy Materials

Science labs opened to support students from Aylesford School

Aylesford Sixth Form Science students welcomed to complete practical exams and gain hands-on experience in our labs following classroom closures. More at

Wed 20 Dec 2023, 10:04 | Tags: news, Impact, Education, Outreach, Community

Dr Mark Greenhalgh secures slice of £4m grant

Dr Mark Greenhalgh, has secured a substantial grant from the EPSRC to establish an international collaboration for his pioneering research in catalysis and molecular interactions.

Wed 06 Dec 2023, 12:07 | Tags: news Synthesis and Catalysis Research news

Spin-out aims to launch a testosterone patch for menopausal women

Times Higher Education covers Warwick’s spin-out company, MedheranLink opens in a new windowt, and Prof Dave Haddleton's aim to launch a testosterone patch for menopausal women.

Tue 21 Nov 2023, 12:08 | Tags: news Research news Impact

What Guy Fawkes can teach us about the sky at night

With bonfire night on the horizon, scientists reveal just why fireworks are differently coloured and what this can teach us about stars in space. (Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash).

Fri 03 Nov 2023, 11:22 | Tags: news, Outreach

Spotlight on Chemistry PhD student Fernando Conde Nodal

Fernando Conde Nodal, undergraduate turned PhD student, talks through his time in the Department of Chemistry and how his education and experience inspired him to study further.

Thu 02 Nov 2023, 15:07 | Tags: news people Education

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