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Alzheimer’s disease; Chiral complexes target amyloid β

Stereochemistry is a very important issue for pharmaceutical industry and can determine drug efficacy. Scott group metallohelices have been shown, in collaboration with Xiaogang Chu and co-workers at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, China, to enantioselectively target and inhibit amyloid (Aβ) aggregation. This provides new insights into chiral inhibition of Aβ aggregation and opens a new avenue for design and screening of chiral agents as Aβ inhibitors against Alzheimer's disease. The work is published in J. Am. Chem. Soc.

Thu 31 Jul 2014, 21:56 | Tags: publications AnalSciInst SynthCat ChemBio

Fully funded PhD places available in Molecular Analytical Sciences CDT

Applications are invited for fully-funded studentships at the new Molecular Analytical Sciences (MAS) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)

MAS offers a four year degree programme (MSc + PhD) in Multidisciplinary Science which aims to develop new techniques and methodologies and apply them in creative ways to solve real-world problems. The disciplines covered include chemistry, physics, statistics, mathematics, biology, engineering and computer science. Candidates with a first degree in any of these subjects are invited to apply.

Fri 16 May 2014, 10:23 | Tags: news AnalSciInst

Poster Prize for Caroline Biggs

Caroline Biggs in the GibsonGroup won the prize for best poster presentation at the 13th European Summer Course on Glycosciences. Her winning poster was entitled 'Polymer Functionalised Surfaces for Microarray Applications'.

Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:24 | Tags: prize PolymerChem people MatPolymers AnalSciInst ChemBio

GibsonGroup in Chemical Science

The GibsonGroup describe glycopolymers that selectively target the Cholera toxin and may provide a non-antibiotic tool to combat infectious diseases

Sat 15 Feb 2014, 14:54 | Tags: PolymerChem publications AnalSciInst ChemBio

Lewandowski Group in JACS Spotlights

Lewandowski group in collaboration with Ladizhansky and Brown (U. of Guelph) groups have characterised site-specific molecular motions of a 7-helix membrane protein within a lipid bilayer using solid-state NMR measurements. Read the article in JACS. 

Fri 07 Feb 2014, 07:13 | Tags: publications AnalSciInst ChemBio

Two new Centres for Doctoral Training

Warwick Chemistry has played a lead role in securing funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for 2 new Centres for Doctoral training, in Molecular Analytical Science and Diamond Science and Technology, as part of the recently announced UK's largest investment in postgraduate training in engineering and physical sciences. The Universities and Science Minister, David Willetts, announced the funding of over seventy new Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs), spread across 24 UK universities on 22nd November.

For further information please visit: 

 Julie Macpherson

Costantini Group on the doping of CVD graphene

In collaboration with the groups of Neil Wilson and Gavin Bell in Physics at Warwick and groups at the synchrotrons of ELETTRA in Trieste and SOLEIL in Paris, the Costantini group has published a Rapid Research Letter in the journal Physica Status Solidi on the natural doping of graphene grown on copper foil by chemical vapour deposition (CVD).

Using nano-spot angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) it has been shown that graphene grown on copper foil is undoped with an ideal gapless band structure, even after air exposure. Up to 200 °C annealing, the band structure is that of pristine undoped graphene but, upon annealing to 500 °C, the formation of a band gap is observed together with evidence of doping.

The work contributes to recent discussion on the electronic properties of technologically relevant graphene grown on low-cost copper foil. In the long-term, commercialisation of graphene will require economical techniques for its fabrication on a large scale. Therefore, its growth under low-pressure conditions on low-cost polycrystalline Cu foils represents a strong step towards a number of graphene applications.

Further details can be read at

Mon 29 Jul 2013, 13:05 | Tags: publications MatPolymers AnalSciInst

Dixon group in JBC describing structural characterisation of protein in complex with HIV-derived oligosaccharide

The Dixon group, in collaboration with researchers at Warwick Medical School, HWB-NMR Birmingham, and Oxford Biochemistry, have used solution-state NMR to characterize the interaction between the C-type lectin DC-SIGNR, a promising drug target in the fight against HIV, and the HIV-derived oligosaccharide Man9GlcNAc. This work has produced the first atomic-resolution structural data describing binding of DC-SIGNR to a physiologically-relevant oligosaccharide (results that have evaded crystallography thus far), and indicates that DC-SIGNR binds to larger-branched oligosaccharides in a different manner than their smaller, synthetic counterparts. We also report the first dynamics data for the carbohydrate-recognition domain of DC-SIGNR, and suggest that this is a highly flexible domain that undergoes ligand-induced conformational and dynamics changes which may explain its ability to accomodate a range of sugars on viral surfaces.
Wed 24 Jul 2013, 17:24 | Tags: publications AnalSciInst ChemBio

Magic Clusters in Angewandte Chemie

An inter-university collaboration between the Costantini, Jones, Bonifazi (Namur) and de Vita (King’s College) groups showed the role of deprotonation on the two dimensional assembly of novel borazine compounds on a copper substrate. The results are published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

Mon 17 Jun 2013, 22:09 | Tags: news publications MatPolymers AnalSciInst

Costantini and Wills Groups on Cover of ChemComm

Collaboration between the Costantini and Wills groups investigates the dissociation of a newly synthesised, novel chiral ester on metallic substrates. The products of dissociation are directly imaged by scanning tunnelling microscopy allowing for the delineation of the cleavage mechanism as seen in ChemComm.

Wed 01 May 2013, 14:41 | Tags: news publications MatPolymers AnalSciInst

Polymers which thinks they're antifreeze proteins

The Gibson group have undertaken a detailed study into the ability of synthetic polymers to inhibit the growth of ice crystals - this is a fundmental process of incredible importance in biology (survival of extremophiles), medicine (cryoprotectection of cells/organs) and industry (preventing ice-induced damage). The Gibson group are pioneering the use of polymers as alternative to antifreeze proteins - Nature's cryoprotectants, using a combination of chemical, analytical, biological and computational methods

Read their latest paper here, in collaboration with R. Notman (CSC):

Della Pia and Costantini feature in Springer Surface Science Techniques book

Ada Della Pia and Giovanni Costantini publish the Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy chapter for the Springer Surface Science Techniques book, Gianangelo Bracco and Bodil Holst (ed).

Thu 24 Jan 2013, 11:31 | Tags: news publications AnalSciInst

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