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Triop Cam


2/12/15 first sighting of our Triop

Triop failed to thrive. :(

After a pretty miserable start to our triop project, I acquired some more triop eggs.

21/12/15 The tank was prepared for hatching in its new location for the Christmas period (Sarah-Jane's house).

Triop tank

26/12/15 - It's a Christmas miracle! The video just shows one tiny triop, but there is definitely more than one!

28/12/15 - Lots of activity in the tank, at least 4 triops have been sighted at once, likely to be more.

3/01/16 - At least 3 triops have made it into the new year! They are getting quite big and easy to spot now. They are definitely triop shaped and like to hang out on the side of the tank.

4/01/16 2 triops have been spotted since the trecherous journey from rugby to campus

All previous attempt were unsuccessful at producing triops. Only small fairy shrimp hatched. After allowing the previous tank to dry out, more water was added to the tank.

25/4/16 - first sighting of an ACTUAL TRIOP :)

03/4/16 - Triop has grown significantly over the bank holiday weekend and has shed his skin. Also living with the triop are two fairy shirmp which are also quite large and have red tails.

24/5/16 RIP Triop