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Gibson Group News

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Group Awarded ERC Funding for Clinical Translation of Cryopreservation

Professor Gibson has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept Grant entitled 'Solvent Free Cryopreservation of Hematopeotic Stem Cells'. This grant is only available to ERC grant holders, to follow up on results obtained during the ERC grant to translate it to real world applications. This project will seek to revolutionise how we store bone marrow cells (hematopoetic stem cells) by using polymeric mimics of antifreeze proteins.

A Postdoctoral vacancy will be available soon on this project.

Mon 19 Feb 2018, 07:39 | Tags: Grants, Group News

MRC Innovation Grant Awarded

In collaboration with Dr. Elizabeth Fullam (Life Sciences), we have been awarded a grant from the Medical Research Council (MRC) from the Cross Council AMR Theme 1 Initiative (1 of only 8 awards made). This will seek to develop new tools for targetting the cell wall of Tuberculosis to validate new antibacterial and diagnostic agents. There is a 2 year postdoctoral position associated with this grant, so please contact us if interested.

Fri 31 Jul 2015, 09:25 | Tags: Grants, Group News

Research Grant funded from Leverhulme Trust

We have been awarded a research grant, joint with the group of Nick Waterfield (Warwick Medical School), from the Leverhulme Trust. The project involves using a combination of chemistry and molecular biology (a.k.a. synthetic biology) to understand the function and potential uses of naturally occuring molecular syringes. There will be a PDRA (Med School) and PhD (Chemistry) working on this project

Sat 25 Jul 2015, 15:33 | Tags: Grants, Group News

Industrial Biocatalysis project funded

We are part of a large consortium of UK Universities and companies which has been awarded > £3.5 Million over 5 years to develop new methods to obtain speciality glycans (carbohydrates) using a combination of chemistry and enzymes, and translate these to applications. The GibsonGroup is actively involved in this project (details below) and a PDRA will be based at Warwick during this time.

This is funded by Innovate UK, along with BBSRC and EPSRC.

Chemo-enzymatic Synthesis of Speciality Glycans

The vision of the project centres around the translation of traditional and novel methodologies to develop sustainable and versatile platforms for the industrial production of glycans on scale. We will demonstrate the technology by targeting a set of novel glycan materials that are anticipated to have significant transformational potential in human health and disease in diagnostics and glycoengineering applications. This project requires an integrated approach featuring: 1) synthetic chemistry (unnatural building blocks) 2) biocatalysis (enzymatic synthesis of larger glycans) 3) showcasing glycan potential in diagnostics (glycoarray based platforms). The significant anticipated progression of both biocatalysis and glycoarray technologies will reduce commercialisation barriers both in terms of commercial glycan production and 'first in the market' glycan array companies

Tue 05 May 2015, 17:24 | Tags: Grants

Matthew Gibson awarded an ERC Starting Grant

Dr. Matthew Gibson has been awarded a prestigious ERC (European Research Council) starting grant, with a value of €1.5 million. These grants are highly competitive and awarded on the basis of science excellence, rather than any targetted research field. Starter grants of for young academics within 7 years of completing their PhD. This grant will accerate the Group's work in the field of Antifreeze GlycoProtein (AFGP) Mimics. In particular, the GibsonGroup have pioneered the use of synthetic polymers as mimics of AFGPs, showing that they are capable of controlling ice crystal growth- The growth of ice is a huge problem in the cryostorage of donated cells and tissues, limiting their availabilty for transplantation and regenerative medicine.

There will be several PhD and Postdoctoral vacanices associated with this.

See the University of Warwick Press release here.

See the Group's recent Nature Communication on this work here.

Wed 10 Dec 2014, 09:39 | Tags: Grants, Group News, Publicity

Work highlighted on Leverhulme Trust Website

A recent collaborative project grant between Gibson and Notman is highlighted on the Leverhulme Trust's webpage.

Fri 06 May 2011, 16:55 | Tags: Grants, Group News

URSS funds awarded

We have received funding from the URSS to allow an undergraduate student to join us over the summer.

Thu 17 Mar 2011, 08:53 | Tags: Grants, Group News

Leverhulme Trust Award Research Grant

The Leverhulme trust have awarded a signficant research grant to Matthew Gibson in collaboration with Rebecca Notman (Warwick Chemistry/Centre for Scientific Computing) for a combined experimental and theoretical study on the behaviour of bio-mimetic polymers. More information including vacancies arising will apppear shortly.

Tue 15 Mar 2011, 09:37 | Tags: Grants, Vacancies

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