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Research Activities - Presentations and community activities

Upcoming Presentations/Conferences

Past Presentations

- Spinks Symposium on Regenerative Medicine - London, UK. MIG gave a talk and Rob Deller gave a poster.

- RSC Biomaterials Conference - Sheffield UK. MIG and Sarah-Jane (PhD) will be giving talks

- RSC Nanoscience Symposium, Birmingham, 2012 - MIG gave an invited lecture. Dan Phillips won Poster prize

- Zing Conference on Polymer Chemistry, Mexico 2012 - MIG will be giving an Invited lecture

- RSC Carbohydrate Group Annual Meeting, 2012 - MIG and entire group will be attending

- Post-poned Manchester Interdiscplinary Biocentre, MIG will be giving an invited seminar

- Fall (Autumn in English..) ACE meeting 2012 - MIG will be giving a lecture in the Biomacromolecules symposium

- July 2012 - 3rd Warwick International Polymer Chemistry Conference, UK. MIG will be giving an Invited lecture

- June 2012 - 5th International Symposium on Polymer Chemistry, Changchun, China (PC 2012). MIG gave an invited lecture

- May 18th 2012. Inter-DTC Conference. Warwick. MIG gave a plenary Lecture

- April 2012 - Warwick Young Life Science Interdisplinary Meeting. MIG is organisor/chair and will be giving a lecture

- March 2012 - UK-India Meeting " Functional Biopolymers for Tissue Engineering and Drug Delivery". MIG will be giving an invited lecture

- 15 - 18th November 2011, BioFutures Materials Conference, Gent, Belgium. MIG will be giving a lecture

- 10th October 2011 - RSC/MacroGroup/RAPS Symposium on Controlled Radical Polymerisation. University of Warwick. MIG will be giving a lecture and the whole group attending

- September 15/16th 2011 - RSC Carbohydrate Chemistry Meeting, Liverpool, MIG wil be giving a talk

- September 7-9th 2011 - RAPS annual meeting. Loughborough MIG attended

- 2nd August 2011 - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, MIG have an Invited Lecture

- 1st August 2011 - Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong, Department of Chemistry, MIG have an Invited Lecture

- 28th July 2011 - Tongji University, School of Mateirals Science and Engineering, MIG gave a lecture

- 27th July 2011 - ShooChow University, Department of Chemistry, MIG gave a lecture

- 26th July 2011 - Unilever Research Shanghai, China, MIG gave a Lecture

- 25th July 2011 - Warwick Fudan Macromolecular Conference, Shanghai, China, MIG gave an invited lecture

- 11/12th July - Warwick/Monash Healthcare Meeting, University of Warwick, MIG gave a lecture

- 10th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC 10), July 4 -7th 2011, Manchester. MIG gave a lecture

- Invited lecture at University of Leeds, 25th May 2011, MIG gave a seminar at the Molecular and Nanoscale Physics Group

- Coatings, surfaces and interfaces discovery day, 11th May, 2011, University of Warwick, MIG gave a talk

- High Polymer Group Meeting, April 17th - 21st 2011, Pott Shrigley. MIG attended

- Advances in Polymer Science and Rubber Technology: Challenges towards 2020 and Beyond, March 3-5th 2011, Karaghpur, India, MIG gave an Invited Lecture

- Nanohealth discovery day, ThinkTank, Birmingham, January 20th 2011, MIG presented a poster

- Chemistry Meets Biology, University of Warwick, January 19th, 2011 MIG gave a talk

- RSC Biomaterials Group Annual Meeting, January 11th 2011, University of Warwick, MIG and group attended

- Protein and Polymer Science Group Early Career Meeting, London, 19th November. Robert Deller attended

- Science City Fellows Away Day, Warwickshire Golf and Country Club, 10th November 2010, MIG attended

- MOAC Doctoral Training Centre Seminar, University of Warwick, 26th October 2010. MIG gave a lecture "Probing and Exploiting Carbohydrate-Protein Interactions using Synthetic Glycopolymers".

- British Science Festival, 16th September 2010. MIG will presented a public lecture (with A. Robinson Birmingham). "From Nanomedicine to Jet Engines: What have advanced Materials ever done for you">

- Final Nanobiopharmaceutics conference, 14th/15th September, Triste, Italy. MIG attended and presented recent collabortive work with Harm-Anton Klok, EPFL, Switzerland.

- Recent Appointees in Polymer Science (RAPS/RAMS joint meeting), 1st -3rd September, Leeds UK. MIG delivered a lecture

- IUPAC World Polymer Conference, July 2010, Glasgow. MIG delivered a lecture.

Zaidong presented a poster and Remzi Bercer (PDRA with D.Haddleton) gave a talk on some recent collaborative work.

- MOAC Annual Conference, Lake District UK, Jack Heal delivering a talk on the work he conducted in our lab

- 10th STIPOMAT Conference, May 2010, Strasburg. MIG delivered an Invited lecture.

- Macro Group UK, Young Researchers Meeting. April 2010, Nottingham, Zhaidong attended, and Remzi Bercer (post-doc with Dave Haddleton) presented a poster on some recent collaborative work.

- Polymeric Biomaterials Conference, April 2010, Reading. MIG attended

- RSC Biomaterials Group Meeting, January 2010, Durham, UK. Contributed Talk

- RAPS Annual Meeting, September 2009, Reading, UK. Contributed Talk. RAPS bursary recieved

- Swiss-Japanese Bionano Conference, September 2009, Aigle, Switzerland, Contributed Talk

- EuChems Conference, August 2008, Torino, Italy. Poster Presented. RSC bursary recieved

- Stipomat Conference, 2007, Les Diablerets, Switzerland. Poster Presented

- Swiss Chemical Society Meeting, 2007, Lausanne.

- Macrogroup UK International Conference, August 2006, Warwick. Poster Presented. MIG wins Wiley-Interscience Award, and rather youthful looking photos.

- International Carbohydrate Chemistry Symposium, July 2006, Whistler, Canada. Poster Presented. Collingwood College Bursary recieved

- MC6 Glasgow, July 2005, Edinburgh. Poster Presented

Community/outreach Activities

- Participant in EU COST Action CM1102 "MultiGlycoNano"

- Local Organising Committee APME International Conference, Durham 2013.

- Member of RSC Carbohydrate Chemistry Group Committee (2012 - )

- Secretary of Recent Appointees In Polymer Science (RAPS) Network (2011 - )

- Organising committee of Warwick 2012 - THE polymer conference.

- Peer reviewer for American Chemical Society, Wiley-Interscience, Royal Society of Chemistry and Elseiver Journals

- Peer reviewer for Medical Research Council and Leverhulme Trust

- British Science Festival 2010 (2 hr Public Lecture)

- Session Chair at RSC Biomaterials conference 2011, Warwick.

- Co-organiser of Young-Researchers Meeting for (EU) Nanobiopharmaceutics Consortium (2009)

- Previous member of the North-East Polymer Association