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Chris Summers


Chris was born in Gloucester in 1987 and carried out his 4 year undergraduate chemistry masters at the University of Warwick.

He is currently a final year PhD student working in the Haddleton Polymer group, sponsored by Lubrizol. His interests include developing Thermoplastic Polyurethanes for automotive applications.

Prior to this he carried out a Metallomics based investigation of the marine Cyanobacteria Synechoccus WH8102 as part of an MChem project with the Blindauer group (also at the University of Warwick).

Research interest

Forming stimuli responsive thermoplastic polyurethanes with crosslinkers containing Diels-Alder capable functional groups. Thereby developing polymers with vastly different properties at different temperatures with inherent self healing capabilities.

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Previous Work

Chris carried out his Masters Project with the Blindauer group under the direct supervision of Dr. James Barnett at the University of Warwick. The project involved a Metallomics based invesitgation of a marine cyanobacteria isolated from the open ocean (Synechococcus WH8102) in collaboration with Prof. D. Scanlan in the School of Life sciences.

Using metallomics and comparative metallo-proteomics approaches they endeavoured to gain a better understanding of how this strain of Synechococcus utilise Zinc and other essential metals specifically uptake mechanisms. The project focused on identifying proteins involved in metal uptake found within the periplasmic space of the bacteria such as Znu A, a Zn binding protein part of the ZnuABC transport mechanism.

A significant part of the project involved establishing methodologies and including various protein fractionation techniques coupled with ICP-MS for metal analysis, using IMAC columns to combine seperation and identification of metal binding properties and MALDI-TOF for protein identification post in gel triptic digestion.

Below is an example of a protein identified using these methods. The MALDI spectrum show the peptide fragments of a protein separated on an IMAC column after digestion by Trypsin which, when compared to theoretical digests of the bacteria's genome, indicates that it is this Iron binding perisplamic protein.

Maldi pic 1

Selected publications

Makal, U. G., et al. (2017). Thermally Reversible Crosslinked Polyurethane, Google Patents.

Waldron, C., et al. (2014). "Absolut "copper catalyzation perfected"; robust living polymerization of NIPAM: Guinness is good for SET-LRP." Polymer Chemistry 5(1): 57-61.

Curriculum Vitae

Click Here to download my CV.

Chris summers pic


C dot Summers dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk
Office phone number:
+44 24 765 74147
Mailing address:
Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick
Library Road, CV4 7AL
Coventry, UK

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M.Sc. in Chemistry:
University of Warwick

Contact Details for Masters Project

Main Supervisor:

Prof. Claudia Blindauer

C dot Blindauer at warwick dot ac dot uk


Dr. James Barnett

J dot P dot Barnett at warwick dot ac dot uk

Chemical Biology Facility

Department of Chemistry

University of Warwick
