In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization Reaction Kinetics and Catalyst Evolution. Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton, submitted as contribution to ACS symposium in San Diego, Spring 2001, "In-situ Spectroscopy of Monomer and Polymer Synthesis", |
Free Radical and Living Radical Polymerisation in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids, Adrian J. Carmichael, David A. Leigh and David M. Haddleton, Submitted to ACS books from ACS San Diego meeting to R Rodgers. |
Surfactant Properties of Polydimethylsiloxane Containing Block Copolymers from Living Radical Polymerization. Laurence Bes, Kim Huan, David M. Haddleton and Ezat Khoshdel. Submitted to ACS books from ACS San Diego meeting to S J Clarson. |
Synthesis and properties of polydimethylsiloxane-containing block copolymers via living radical polymerization, Kim Huan, Laurence Bes, David M. Haddleton, Ezat Khoshdel, J Pol Sci, Polym. Chem. 2001, 1833, 39. |
Synthesis of well-defined cyclodextrin-core star polymers, Kohji Ohno, Benjamin Wong, David M. Haddleton, J Pol Sci, Polym. Chem.2001, 2206, 39. |
Cobalt-mediated catalytic chain-transfer polymerization (CCTP) in water and water/alcohol solution, David M. Haddleton, Estelle Depaquis, Elizabeth J. Kelly, Dax Kukulj, Stuart R. Morsley, Stefan A. F. Bon, Michael D. Eason, Andrew G. Steward, J Pol Sci, Polym. Chem. 2001, 2378, 39. |
Advances in catalytic chain transfer polymerisation mediated by cobaloximes, S. A. F. Bon, D. R. Morsley, J. Waterson, D. M. Haddleton, M. R. Lees, T. Horne, Macromol. Chem., 2001, 29, 165. |
Copper(I) mediated radical polymerization of methacrylates in aqueous solution, S Perrier, S P Armes , X. S. Wang, F. Malet D M. Haddleton, J Pol Sci, Polym. Chem.2001, 1696, 39. |
Ligand electronic effects on rates of copper mediated atom transfer cyclisation and polymerisation,Andrew J Clark, Gary M Battle, Alex M Heming, David M Haddleton and Andrew Bridge, Tetrahedron Letters, 2001, 42, 2003-2005 |
Angot, Stephanie; Ayres, Neil; Bon, Stefan A. F.; Haddleton, David M.. Living Radical Polymerization Immobilized on Wang Resins: Synthesis and Harvest of Narrow Polydispersity Poly(methacrylate)s. Macromolecules (2001), 34(4), 768-774. |
Wang, X. S.; Malet, F. L. G.; Armes, S. P.; Haddleton, D. M.; Perrier, S. Unexpected viability of pyridyl methanimine-based ligands for transition-metal-mediated living radical polymerization in aqueous media at ambient temperature. Macromolecules (2001), 34(2), 162-164. |