Becky Wills

PhD Student, FTICR Mass Spectrometry Group
October 2009 - July 2013
Department of Chemistry
University of Warwick
Tel: 02476 151304
Becky completed her PhD viva in November 2013 and continues to work at the University of Warwick temporarily in the role of experimental officer in mass spectrometry.
University of Bristol (2002-2006), MSc Chemistry
University of Leeds (May 2007-April 2008), Year spent working in atmospheric chemistry research lab
University of Warwick (2008-2009), MSc Instrumental and Analytical Methods in Biological and Environmental Chemistry (IAMBEC)
University of Warwick (2009-2013), PhD Chemistry
Award for excellence in postgraduate teaching
Research Interests:
I am interested in a range of analytical applications of high resolution FTICR mass spectrometry. My main projects involve using tandem mass spectrometry techniques to characterise the structures of natural products, specifically polyketides and non-ribosomal peptides, and to identify the binding sites of potential ruthenium anticancer drugs on peptides and proteins. Other projects I have conducted include using GC-MS and FTICR-MS to identify differences between genuine and counterfeit vodkas, as well as looking at the potential of carbon nanotubes as an alternative to a matrix in MALDI mass spectrometry.
(8) R.H.Wills, A.Habtemariam, A.Lopez-Clavijo, M.P.Barrow, P.J.Sadler and P.B.O'Connor, Insights into the binding sites of organometallic ruthenium anticancer compounds on peptides using ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2014, 25, 662.
(7) R.H.Wills and P.B.O'Connor, Structural characterisation of Actinomycin D using multiple ion isolation and electron induced dissociation, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2014, 25, 186.
(6) Y.Qi, H.Li, R.H.Wills, P.Perez-Hurtado, X.Yu, D.P.A.Kilgour, M.P.Barrow, C.Lin and P.B.O'Connor, Absorption-mode Fourier transform mass spectrometry: the effects of apodization and phasing on modified protein spectra, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2013, 24, 828.
(5) D.P.A.Kilgour, R.H.Wills, Y.Qi and P.B.O'Connor, Autophaser: An algorithm for automated generation of absorption mode spectra for FT-ICR MS, Anal. Chem., 2013, 85, 3903.
(4) R.H.Wills, M.Tosin and P.B.O'Connor, Structural characterisation of polyketides using high mass accuracy tandem mass spectrometry, Anal. Chem., 2012, 84, 8863.
(3) B. J. Murray, S. L. Broadley, T. W. Wilson, J. D. Atkinson and R.H.Wills, Heterogeneous freezing of water droplets containing kaolinite particles, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2011, 11, 4191.
(2) R.W.Saunders, O.Mohler, M.Schnaiter, S.Benz, R.Wagner, H.Saathoff, P.J.Connolly, R.Burgess, B.J.Murray, M.Gallagher, R.H.Wills, J.M.C.Plane, An aerosol chamber investigation of the heterogeneous ice nucleating potential of refractory nanoparticles, 2010, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2010, 10, 1227.
(1) B.J.Murray, S.L.Broadley, T.W.Wilson, S.J.Bull, R.H.Wills, H.K.Christenson and E.J.Murray, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 10380.