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Buda is currently compiled only for Windows 9x/NT systems. It will not currently run on Linux, Unix, Mac, or any other architecture.

Get the B.U.D.A. program here: Program

To install Buda, first download the zip file and unzip it (using Winzip or pkunzip or some other such program) to the “c:Buda” directory. The program is not smart enough right now to exist in other directories. This should create a directory tree like so:

budatree.jpg (56725 bytes)

Copy the .dll files to “c:windowssystem”(if using Win9x) or “c:WinNTSystem32″(if using NT)except for the three .dll files Mfc42d.dll, Mfco42d.dll, and Msvcrt.dll. The .dll files are shown below. These three are standard microsoft .dll files and you may have a newer version. Try using that one first.

budadll.jpg (66631 bytes)

Try to run buda.exe. If it complains that the needed .dll files are not on the path, copy them to the windows system directory and try again. If this doesn’t work, contact me (p.oconnor(at) and I will try to figure out why it isn’t loading properly.

To compile the source code, go here: Compile