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Connected Systems

Connected Systems cloud

Upcoming Research Seminars

  • 24 Apr, 13:00-14:00, Pit Hofmann (TU Dresden), Simulation of Microfluidic Molecular Communication using OpenFOAM

The Challenges

Connectivity is the defining feature of the modern world and has enabled many of the exciting technologies that we have come to rely upon every day. From personal social interactions to crowd-driven applications, from device-to-device communication to long-distance remote sensing, from vehicular networks to smart infrastructure, integrating computation with varied methods of communication is fundamental to this advancement. As this trend continues apace, we must address questions of how to scale bandwidth to support orders of magnitude more connected devices, how to integrate more intelligence in these constrained systems, and how to do this within a more environmentally conscious energy budget.

Our Research

The Connected Systems Group brings together academics and research staff with interests in wireless, optical molecular/nanoscale communications, cyber security, and the tight interplay between computation and communication to explore technologies for transforming how we live and interact with modern infrastructure and services, from online processing and autonomous adaptive systems, to secure networks and wireless systems. The fundamental advances in the group will produce impact in application areas such as next-generation mobile networks (5G/6G), IoT networks, vehicular communications, cyber physical systems, smart grids, robotic networks, and future healthcare systems. Our specific research areas are as follows:

PhD Opportunities

We welcome self-motivated students with strong academic background to join our Connected Systems Group and pursue a PhD degree.

There are various scholarship opportunities offered by School of Engineering and University. Please check the links below. You are strongly encouraged to contact our Staff (see right) and discuss possible opportunities.

School of Engineering PhD Scholarship Scheme

University PhD funding opportunities

Postdoc Fellow Opportunities

Apart from standard externally funded postdoc positions which we normally advertise widely, there are also a number of other funded opportunities and we are happy to host your postdoc research within our Group. Such opportunities include:

  • Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions - Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • EUTOPIA-SIF Fellowships
  • Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowships
  • RAEng Research Fellowships
  • Newton International Fellowships
  • Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships
  • EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowships.

You are strongly encouraged to contact our Staff and discuss possible opportunities.

The Connected Systems Group is part of the Electrical and Electronic stream