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Cohort 5

cohort 5
HetSys Cohort 5 students are supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council–supported Centre for Doctoral Training in Modelling of Heterogeneous Systems, Grant No. EP/S022848/1.

Matthew Christensen

PhD Title: Reliable quantum simulations of plasma and fusion physics

PhD Supervisor: Animesh Datta

Minerva Schuler

PhD Title: Alternative protein sources: growing the next generation computational modelling framework

PhD Supervisor: Radu Cimpeanu

Nojus Plungė

PhD Title: Blending ultrasound data with physics-based models to predict damage in structural systems

PhD Supervisor: Emmanouil Kakouris

Philip Jones

PhD Title: What's that made of? Modelling muonic X-ray radiation for quantitative elemental analysis

PhD Supervisor: Albert Bartok-Partay

Roman Shantsila

PhD Title: (Inter)facing the Bitter Truth: How to Design Better Interfaces in Next-Gen Batteries using Atomistic Simulations Assisted by Machine-Learning

PhD Supervisor: Bora Karasulu

Valdas Vitartas

PhD Title: Machine-learning quantum surrogate models to simulate energy transport across interfaces

PhD Supervisor: Reinhard Maurer

Y C Wong

PhD Title: Machine Learning Multiscale Simulation Of Photoconductivity In Correlated Oxides

PhD Supervisor: Nicholas Hine

Yihui Tong

PhD Title: Developing the capability to forecast extreme Space Weather events

PhD Supervisor: Ravindra Desai

Yuji Go

PhD Title: Complex Electronic Structures for Thermoelectric Energy Materials

PhD Supervisor: Neophytos Neophytou

Zahra Bhatti

PhD Title: Charting a course towards new light-activated molecules

PhD Supervisor: Scott Habershon