Your Research Training and Support Grant - Guidance
Allowable costs associated with HetSys PhD Studentship
The Centre for Doctoral Training in Modelling of Heterogeneous Systems is funded by grant EP/S022848/1, and the programme costs must comply with the guidelines of our funding body, EPSRC.
You must contact your supervisor with details of the purchase or travel request PRIOR to making any purchase or payment commitments. The funding you receive is available to cover directly incurred costs required to carry out the PhD project such as travel to conferences, and specialist resources. All expenses should be directly relevant to the PhD project’s research outputs and must follow the University's expenses policy.
Prior to your enrolment, an expenditure code will be set up on the university’s SAP finance system, which is to be used for all RTSG expenditure. It is your responsibility to ensure that you monitor their expenditure and do not exceed the budget allocation. You can find your individual code here.
Examples of allowable expenses include:
- Desktop computer up to the value of £1,500 (to be purchased from year 2) for your campus workspace OR a docking station and monitor for your campus workspace to connect to your laptop.
- Software essential to your PhD.
- Books and other reading material not available through the Library1
- Printing posters and lecture notes, report binding
- Small items of equipment such as cables, cameras, tape recorders, films, cassettes
- PhD travel and subsistence for external conferences2, workshops and short courses, summer schools. Remember that the EPSRC require public funds to be deployed with due consideration to value for money and environmental impact across all activities. All travel claims should evidence value for money as the primary consideration and be fully compliant with University Financial Procedures (FP16)
- Support for internships when the external partner is not able to support the student
- Research visits associated with a project, such as visits to second supervisors, travel for data collection, etc.
- Publication of your CDT-supported work. Please note that the funder must be acknowledged in publications (see UKRI Training Grant Guidance, item 11 for more information).
Examples of ineligible costs include:
- Repair or replacement of your HetSys laptop or laptop parts; please see the Laptop terms for further information
- Laptop\computing accessories
- The cost of alcohol under any circumstances
- Journal publication costs if eligible for funding from the Open Access Block Grant
- Printing and binding the final copy of your thesis
- Any costs incurred outside of your funding period
- Childcare costs associated with normal working patterns
- Costs for students moving to the UK to study e.g. travel costs, VISA fees, Immigration Health Surcharge
- There may be funding available from your department to purchase books suggested by staff and PG students for the University Library (e.g. Physics book fund). Please check with your department.
- There is additional support for students with disabilities that need specialist support, which must be sought via the Disability Services team and supported via a Study Needs Assessment.
- There is additional funding available for childcare costs relating to conference attendance. This is open to HetSys students: