Open Access for authors
Open Access Policy for UKRI Funded Authors
UKRI's open access policy for all peer reviewed research articles arising from their funding, applies to all papers submitted on or after the 1 April 2022.
There are several resources available for authors to help you publish in your preferred journals as well as meet the compliance requirements of UKRI:
- Use our 'Check Before you Submit' to work through the steps to compliance and if your journal is eligible for open access funding
- Use the Plan S and UKRI Journal Checker Tool to check if your journal is compliant with the new UKRI policy
- Search for your journalLink opens in a new window, or, check out our list of 'Read and Publish' agreements that offer open access at no additional cost to the author
What is OA?
Open Access (OA) is the practice of providing unrestricted access to scholarly outputs via the Internet.
Why go Open?
The benefits of OA, UK and International policies.
Routes to OA?
Choosing Green or Gold OA, copyright information or details of funds available and University agreements with publishers.
OA books
Discover the process of making books open access.
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about all aspects of making your work open access.
Get in touch
We are always happy to discuss your route to open access publishing:
openaccessfund at warwick dot ac dot ukOA funding request
(Warwick login required)
Research support
Popular open access services:
Search for research support.
Open Access for the REF
For the next Research Excellence Framework (REF) process there is a policy on open access.
This policy states that to be eligible for the inclusion for the REF journal articles and conference papers accepted on or after 1 April 2016 must be deposited into a repository. University of Warwick’s policy is that all outputs should be deposited in our institutional repository, WRAP.
Find out more about what that means for your research and submit to WRAP.
Useful contacts
Warwick Research Publications team
Email the Open Research Team open dot research at warwick dot ac dot uk, or your department's Research and Academic Support Librarian.