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See the abstract book.

Day 1

09:30 Registration

10:00 Welcome and introduction

Session 1: What is synthetic biology, and what can it be used for?

10:15 Jim Haseloff (University of Cambridge) Engineering plant form

10:40 June Medford (Colorado State) Rewiring a plant and digital-like controls

11:05 Andy Boyce (BBSRC) Research Council strategy and funding for synthetic biology

11:30 Belinda Clarke (TSB) Funding new frontiers in synthetic biology

Session 2: From molecules to cells and circuits

11:55 Dek Woolfson (University of Bristol) Generating and applying toolkits of de novo peptide components for synthetic biology

12:20 Lunch

13:15 Cameron Alexander (University of Nottingham) Synthetic polymers – new containers and communication materials for synthetic biology

13:45 Lee Cronin (University of Glasgow) Bottom up meets top down: From inorganic biology to synthetic biology manipulations in 3D printed wet-ware

14:05 Martin Howard (JIC) Implementation of analogue arithmetic circuitry in plants

14:30 Anne Osbourn (JIC) Making new molecules

14:55 Rob Edwards (University of York; FERA) Plant Synthetic Biology: a New Platform for Industrial Biotechnology?

Session 3: Plant synthetic biology

15:20 Chloe Singleton (University of Exeter) Synthetic metabolons

15:45 Afternoon tea

16:05 Giles Oldroyd (JIC) Redesigning the symbiotic signalling pathway for rhizobial recognition

16:30 Sebastian Schornack (Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge) Targeted variation of genomes using TAL effectors

16:55 Breakout groups: What can plants do for synthetic biology?

19:30 Dinner at the NCSL

Day 2

08:45 Tea and coffee

Session 4: Synthetic biology tools

09:00 Susan Rosser (University of Glasgow) Recombinases as tools for Synthetic Biology

09:25 George Lomonossoff (JIC) eVLPs for plant synthetic biology

09:50 Tom Ellis (Imperial College London) Assembling designer genomes

10:15 Sylvestre Marillonnet (Icon Genetics) Developing tools for synthetic biology: Golden Gate Cloning and the MoClo System

10:40 Jim Ajioka (University of Cambridge) A guide to Gibson assembly

11:05 Coffee break

11:30 Breakout sessions to discuss future community needs

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Feedback from breakout groups

14:05 Claire Marris (Kings College London) Responsible Research and Innovation for Synthetic Biology

14:30 Natalio Krasnogor (University of Nottingham) Computational tools for rapid model prototyping in synthetic biology

14:55 Jim Haseloff (University of Cambridge) Registry of DNA parts for plants

15:20 Richard Kitney (Imperial College London) Foundational Resources from cSynBi

15:45 Guy-Bart Stan (Imperial College London) Taking a forward-engineering approach to the design of synthetic biology systems