Thanks to the India-UK: Tackling antimicrobial resistance in the environment from antimicrobial manufacturing waste Early Careers Pump-Priming Initiative for the funding to establish this citizen science project. This was supported by UKRI: Natural Environment Research Council.
The scientists in River Watchers India are employed on India-UK: Tackling antimicrobial resistance in the environment from antimicrobial manufacturing waste projects. Thara M V is on AMRflows: antimicrobials and resistance from manufacturing flows to people: joined up experiments, mathematical modelling and risk analysis. Dr Chiara Borsetto and Dr Emma Travis are on ResPHARM: Resolving the fate and studying the impact of pharmaceutical wastes on the environment and local community of a pharmaceutical manufacturing hub. Both projects are jointly funded by UKRI: Natural Environment Research Council (Grant numbers NE/T013222/1 and NE/T013230/1) and the Department of Biotechnology, India. We also thank the PIs of the projects, Dr Jan Kreft and Professor Liz Wellington for their support.
Thanks to all the citizen scientists. Your contribution will be fundamental to the success of this project.