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Template - Postdoctoral



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link to personal webpage

social media handles

Research Groups

link to supervisor's webpage

Research Clusters

Cells & Development

Environment & Ecology

Microbiology & Infectious Disease


Plant & Agricultural Biosciences

Quantitative, Systems & Engineering Biology

Warwick Centres and GRPs

Other Roles

Current Research

This is a summary of your research interests. This should include an introduction that is accessible to a public audience and also details on your expertise, which may include more technical details.

Broader interests and activities

This section can be used to give information about your broader research interests, yourself and other activities outside of your research. For example, teaching, impact, outreach, SLS/Warwick/external committees, contributions to the scientific community and awarded funding


bullet pointed list of career history

  • Current Role
  • revious Role
  • PhD Biochemistry,
  • BSc Biochemistry, year

Member of panels etc

Reviewers for Journals


For a full list of publications, see WRAP

Links to other, e.g. Google Scholar