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Bio-Analytical Shared Resource Laboratory Team

 Dr Sarah Bennett, Research Facility Manager (Robotics Specialist)

Lady with purple jumper

I am the manager of the Bio-Analytical Shared Resource Laboratories (BioSRLs) at the University of Warwick. The BioSRLs are a spinout from a UKRI funded technology facility for synthetic biology (WISB) that I created from the ground up in 2015. As the facility has grown and increased its userbase, so has the need for specialised technical support. I now manage the BioSRL team as well as provide specialist technical support in liquid handling robotics. I enjoy the programming logic when scripting the robotics and enabling users to streamline their benchtop procedures and carry out high-throughput analysis.

I have a broad knowledge and experience of much of the instrumentation in the BioSRLs and provide business resilience during staff absence. It's a good excuse to get back in the lab!

Ian Hands-Portman, Microscopy Manager and Specialist

Man in white lab coat

I look after the department’s light microscopy, training new users, helping with experimental design and processing data. After 28 years in the department I’ve gotten to know many of the research groups and am always happy to help.

Jeanette Selby, Senior Research Technician (Genomics Specialist)

Blonde lady with navy shirt

I work within our Genomics Facility and am responsible for the operation of our Next Generation Sequencing service as well as the other molecular technologies we have in the lab. I also act as a point of contact for users and external providers of our outsourced Sanger sequencing provision. I have worked in core facility labs for over 20 years and have gained experience with many different instruments along the way!

Lesley Ward, Senior Research Technician (Technology Support)

Lady with cream shirt

I provide support to the Genomics Facility and help manage various pieces of equipment within SLS, namely the Constant Systems cell disruptor, the Jencons and Hielscher sonicators and the molecular interactions instrumentation. I am also an administrator for the LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework) initiative, both in SLS and within the Science Faculty

Chris de Wolf, Senior Research Technician (Chromatography Specialist)

Man with blue shirt

I look after the department chromatography facility and train new users and provide support. I can help with simple method set-up through to project planning and data analysis training. I have a wide range of experience over a number of years and so can help users on any of our chromatography equipment.

Dr Steven Servin, Senior Research Technician (Flow Cytometry Specialist)

Man with checked shirt

I have a strong background in biological sciences and a PhD in synthetic biology, which helps me when assisting our users in data analysis, experimental development or just giving advice.

If you are interested in (or curious about) shooting lasers at your cells and/or particles (no need to be alive!), and obtain meaningful information about them in the process, or isolate a special population, then I’m your guy!

I have worked with flow cytometry for over 7 years, and I have a passion for pioneering new approaches in the field. I enjoy challenges so if you have an idea that seems crazy, why not bring it to me and perhaps we can make it work in flow cytometry.