Stephen Pattie
University Joseph Fourier (UJF), Grenoble, France, 2010-11
SEΡTEMBER 2010 - JUNE 2011
Why? Why? Why?
Have you ever wanted to live abroad, experience a different culture or learn a language? Or are you looking for an experience of a lifetime? This is it, the real deal - the Erasmus year abroad! I've made these pages to give people an idea of the experience of studying abroad and to help anyone going to Grenoble, especially to the Mathematics Department. It can be quite daunting living abroad, especially if you don't know what you're doing and when help is not always available. However, reading these pages should take away any fear - especially when you keep in mind that I did the year without half of this information. I didn't want to put people off a year abroad so, instead of just talking about the administration, I have added in my experiences. Remember that everybody does something different and sees the city and the year in different ways. My advice is just go for it!
I first looked into doing an Erasmus year because I needed a break from Warwick. I overdid the nightlife in the first year, knuckled down to second year maths requirements and had many problems with all forms of sport due to an instable shoulder that dislocated and subluxed on me around 15 times through the year. I knew something existed because I did French and Spanish A-levels but after doing just a little research it’s amazing how quickly an idea can grow on you.
From a language point of view, I knew it was exactly what I needed to keep up my French - having originally considered a language degree (only to be put off by the literature)! Just saying you’ve been on an Erasmus year abroad is great for your CV, and picking up a language is such an added bonus too! For my maths, I’m starting to realise why I chose the subject at uni again. Its been a refreshing and helpful year and I’m actually raring to get on with my final year - despite what I hear from friends still at Warwick!
Finally, an Erasmus year is all about meeting people and making friends that last for life. I mean how can you not when you’ve had such a fantastic year together?! I have it all nicely planned with friends from Brazil (Football World Cup 2014 and Οlympics 2016), Germany (Οktoberfest 2011), Spain (Beach Holiday Summer 2012?), Sweden (Skiing Feb 2013?), Greece (Beach holiday Summer 2013?) and Columbia (more beach holidaying - date unconfirmed).
I hope this helps. I’ve finished updating the page for the moment, so if there are any more questions you can contact me through Facebook or the Warwick Erasmus Coordinator!
Last modified: September 2011