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There are 4 committees which have been set up to advise on the different aspects of the project. All groups meet via teleconference, but the Warwick group meet in person in order to join the call.

Steering Committee

This group meets on a monthly basis and is attended by all consortium members. It provides an opportunity to give and receive updates, covering both the detail of current project events and strategic planning.

Ethics Advisory Committee

This group meets every two to three months or according to project demand. It seeks an overview of the ethics of the project, assessing both current procedure and advising on future practice.

Quality Managment Committee

This group meets approximately every 6 months or according to project demand. The commitee oversee the quality of the documentation and reports for the project as well as ensuring that the objectives are delivered to a high standard.

External Advisory Board

This group comprises international experts all of whom have an interest in the aims and objectives of the project. They meet approximately every 4 months and advise on the broader, strategic aspects of the study. Members may also be consulted for their advice on particular problems or ideas.