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Oncology - Trials, Tribulations and Success


Professor Janet Dunn, BSc MSc PhD

Tuesday 15 May 2007

Janet Dunn was appointed as Professor of Clinical Trials and Head of Cancer Trials at Warwick Medical School in January 2006.

Janet has over 19 years clinical trials experience, starting out as a junior statistician and working up to Deputy Director and then Assistant Director of the Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit at the University of Birmingham. She is now Deputy Director at Warwick Medical School Clinical Trials Unit.

Her research interests include the evaluation of prognostic and predictive factors in cancer clinical trials, and designing clinical trials to impact on clinical practice in early breast, pancreatic, stomach, myeloma, melanoma and colorectal cancers. The establishment of the National Cancer Research Network and the continued funding from Cancer Research UK has resulted in the completion of many successful UK academic trials which have challenged and changed clinical practice. During her lecture, Janet will discuss examples of three trials in which she was involved.

The recent £5 million funding to Warwick Clinical Trials Unit from the National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment (NCCHTA) includes two major cancer trials, one of which is an investigation into herceptin, comparing the effectiveness of the drug over 12 months as opposed to six. Expansion of the early breast cancer and head and neck cancers portfolio promises an exciting future at Warwick.

Inaugural Lectures Series

View Prof Dunn's lecture
May 15, 2007
((Video clip) Windows Media, 44 mins)