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Professor Jane Barlow

“Let them not make me a stone and let them not spill me”: Reflections on a decade of research on parenting support interventions.

Tuesday 19 May 2009 6.00pm

Jane was appointed Professor of Public Health in the Early Years in October 2007. Her main research interest is the role of early parenting in the aetiology of mental health problems, and in particular the evaluation of early interventions aimed at supporting the parent-infant relationship during pregnancy and the postnatal period. She is Director of the newly established Warwick Infant and Family Wellbeing Unit (WIFWu), which provides training and research in innovative evidence-based methods of supporting parenting during pregnancy and the early years, to a wide range of early years and primary care practitioners. She has also researched extensively on the effectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing and treating abuse and is a strong advocate of a public health approach to child protection.

In this inaugural address Jane reflects on the way in which her passion for infant mental health has emerged from earlier academic passions in sociology, psychoanalytic theory, and developmental psychology, and her interest in taking some of the key findings from these fields and applying them using a public health approach.

Venue and TIme

The lecture will be held in the Lecture Theatre at the Medical Teaching Centre on the Gibbet Hill Campus.

There will be reception at 7:00pm in the common room in the Medical Teaching Centre