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Warwick Medical School MB ChB teachers win three prizes at the WATE Awards

Warwick Medical School has had great success this year at the WATE Awards (Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence), winning three and making a clean sweep of the team category.

Thu 17 Jun 2021, 12:28 | Tags: news

Contraception data ‘blind spot’ could hide pandemic’s impact on women’s reproductive health

Limited data on the uptake of contraception prior to and during crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic could mean unforeseen issues for sexual and reproductive health services, research from Warwick Medical School concludes.

Wed 16 Jun 2021, 13:35 | Tags: news

'Significant reduction’ in GP trainee burnout following mindfulness programme

Medics training to become general practitioners reported a significant positive improvement in their mental wellbeing after participating in a specially-designed mindfulness programme, a study from Warwick Medical School researchers shows.

Wed 09 Jun 2021, 09:11 | Tags: news HS_APC

Families in West Midlands sought to trial parenting programme

Parents with young adolescents aged 11 – 15 years are being invited to help trial a new online programme that aims to help parents or carers support the wellbeing of adolescents.

Mon 07 Jun 2021, 09:34 | Tags: news

Miscarriage rates over 40% higher in black women, study suggests

Black women face a significantly higher risk of having a miscarriage than white, according to research involving Prof Siobhan Quenby from WMS.

Wed 28 Apr 2021, 11:01 | Tags: news BMS

Virtual MB ChB Prizegiving celebrates student and staff success

Our 2021 MB ChB Prizegiving Evening took place on 22 April, celebrating the fantastic work and achievements of our medical students over the last year, as well as recognising members of staff who've gone above and beyond to support them.

Mon 26 Apr 2021, 10:08 | Tags: news

Quarter million pound research fund will help improve hospice care in West Midlands

Hospice care across the West Midlands has received an exciting boost as WMS researchers have received a quarter of a million pound grant to establish better care for terminally ill patients.

Thu 22 Apr 2021, 13:55 | Tags: news HS_SSSH HealthSciences HS_APC

Stem cell depletion leads to recurring pregnancy loss

Depletion of a certain type of stem cell in the womb lining during pregnancy could be a significant factor behind miscarriage, according to a study by Warwick Medical School researchers.

Wed 31 Mar 2021, 08:04 | Tags: news BMS

Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Building ready to open

We're delighted that our new Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Building, which we will share with the School of Life Sciences, is now complete, bringing to life Warwick's commitment to delivering world-leading research in neuroscience, microbiology and infection, cell biology, and disease models.

Mon 29 Mar 2021, 09:11 | Tags: news BMS

NIHR Advanced Fellowship for Dr Rachel Spencer - Unit of Academic Primary Care

Rachel Spencer (GP Academic Clinical Lecturer with UAPC) has been awarded a highly competitive NIHR Advanced Fellowship. This award is for £850,000 over four years and is the largest funding ever to be handled by Coventry and Rugby CCG.

Mon 22 Mar 2021, 15:01 | Tags: news HS_SSSH HealthSciences HS_APC

Warwick Medical students continue to shine in pandemic effort

Warwick Medical School continues to be proud of the contribution our medical students are making during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Mon 01 Mar 2021, 11:01 | Tags: news

TV and film ‘thump’ is not effective alternative to CPR, researchers at University of Warwick demonstrate

In a new study from Warwick Medical School, the effectiveness of three alternatives to CPR were examined, and it was concluded that none were beneficial.

Tue 23 Feb 2021, 11:47 | Tags: news

Rolland Iriarte

It is with sadness that we share with you the news that one of our alumni, Rolland Iriarte has recently died. He graduated from the MB ChB programme in 2010 and will be remembered as a gregarious, kind and caring man.

Tue 16 Feb 2021, 12:46 | Tags: news

Women in science, innovate in science

On the UN's International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the University spoke to some our researchers and asked them about their hopes for their research and the importance of equality in their chosen field.

Thu 11 Feb 2021, 09:38 | Tags: news BMS

CryoLogyx spin out from GibsonGroup

A new spin out company has been awarded funding from innovateUK to develop new frozen cell products. The company will use technology developed in the Gibsongroup which uses synthetic polymers to protect cells (and other biologics) during freezing, and to make them easier to transport and deliver. The company is being led by a postdoc in the group, Dr Tom Congdon.
Read the press release here
Read about the group’s research here

Wed 10 Feb 2021, 16:24 | Tags: news BMS

MB ChB student led clinical audit highlights importance of mental health support for older adults

Dr Jean-Pierre Laake, a final year MB ChB student at WMS, who has continued to work as an epidemiologist alongside his studies, is highlighting the need to support good mental health in older adults during the winter months.

Wed 06 Jan 2021, 14:56 | Tags: news HS_APC

PhD student receives BEM for services to healthcare

Congratulations to WMS PhD student Liz Corrigan who has been included in the New Year Honours List for her contribution to patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tue 05 Jan 2021, 15:38 | Tags: news

Warwick hails news of landmark Covid-19 vaccination in our region

The eyes of the world turned to Coventry and Warwickshire this month as the very first patient to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (outside of a clinical trial) did so at our partner site, University Hospital Coventry.

Thu 17 Dec 2020, 13:14 | Tags: news

Faces of the frontline against COVID-19

While working on a Covid 19 ward medical student Matthew Thompson came up with the idea of a photography project documenting NHS workers labouring during the pandemic. The results of his photographic observations can be seen in his work 'Humans of the Pandemic.' Read more about his work here.

Tue 08 Dec 2020, 17:12 | Tags: news

WMS academics listed as world-leading researchers as part of Stanford University’s global listing

Congratulations to the 20 current Warwick Medical School professors who were acknowledged in Stanford University’s world-wide list of researchers that recognises the top 2% of global leading scientists.

Tue 24 Nov 2020, 09:32 | Tags: news

WMS/UHCW Covid response wins International Pathology Conference poster competition

The College of Pathologists' annual International Pathology Day Conference recognises and celebrates the contribution and achievements of pathology and laboratory medicine services that work to address global health challenges and improve the health outcomes of global communities.

Fri 13 Nov 2020, 09:36 | Tags: news BMS

Dr Michelle Miller Elected to the Executive Committee of British Sleep Society

Dr Michelle Miller, a Reader in Biochemical Medicine at the University of Warwick, has been elected to serve on the executive committee of the British Sleep Society. Find out more here.

Thu 15 Oct 2020, 15:30 | Tags: news HS_MHWB Sleep Medicine

Professor Siobhan Quenby meets Duchess of Cambridge during visit to London miscarriage research centre

Professor Siobhan Quenby joined scientists in meeting Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge yesterday at Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research to mark #BabyLossAwarenessWeek

Thu 15 Oct 2020, 14:38 | Tags: news

Diagnostic tool for Coronavirus being developed by University of Warwick makes significant step forward

Scientists at the University of Warwick have demonstrated that a potential diagnostic tool for detecting COVID-19 using sugars will work with a virus rather than just its proteins, a significant step in making it a viable test in future.

Fri 25 Sep 2020, 12:05 | Tags: news HealthSciences

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