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A personal thank you from the Vice Chancellor

I have been awed and greatly heartened at just how many staff and students across Warwick are pulling together to find a way through the new challenges we all face in confronting the pandemic not just as a university but as a country and a global community. However, I wanted to take particular time to personally thank students and colleagues in Warwick Medical School.

I recognise that you are facing many more challenges than the rest of the University such as how to manage the risks as you work and learn in medical environments. You are also facing personal disappointments through events such as the loss of international electives. Many of you are also being torn between requests to explore how you may be able to assist in the delivery of crucial medical services and your own work / study or personal circumstances. Other staff are back-filling to enable clinical colleagues to work in the NHS. Students will also inevitably be worried about starting their first jobs in the midst of this crisis.

Please be assured that as I type these very words colleagues are prioritising all these issues. They are examining how we deal with changes to training, how to ensure quality, remove administrative barriers, even when and how best to graduate our medical students. We are all working to ensure you have the best training and support we can provide in these most challenging of circumstances, and to help you have the confidence and assurance you will need if you are able, willing, and in a position to support the NHS if they ask for your support.

You are in short foremost in not just my thoughts but also a great many other people in our region and far beyond who value your vocation now more than ever.

Best wishes


Professor Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor