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About us

Chronotherapy Group at Warwick

The Chronotherapy group was founded in April 2014 by Francis Lévi (Warwick Medical School) and David Rand (Systems Biology Centre). The team has significantly expanded to included research fellow, graduate students and technician with various backgrounds ranging from molecular biology to maths and engineering. Chronotherapy is an area of study that looks at how to align medical treatment to our circadian rhythms. Focusing on main causes of human mortality, including cancer, cardio-vascular, metabolic, inflammatory, infectious, neurodegenerative or psychiatric diseases, chronotherapy aims to improve treatment tolerability and efficacy.

Group in 2016

The Chronotherapy Group staff members include Prof Francis Lévi (medical oncology), Prof David Rand (Maths), Prof Bärbel Finkenstädt (Statistics), Dr Robert Dallmann (molecular chronobiology), Dr Pasquale Innominato (medical oncology) and Dr Annabelle Ballesta (Maths).

We also work closely with the Chemistry Department at Warwick (Professor Peter Sadler, Professor Sebastien Perrier), and we are part of the Cancer Research Centre directed by Professor Lawrence Young.


Our research is funded by the MRC, Cancer Research UK, the EU (FP7). The Cancer Chronotherapy Team has been selected to become a European Associated Laboratory by INSERM, the National Institute for Health and Medical Research of France.