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UAPC Publications 2023

  • Martin UnderwoodAngela NoufailyHazel BlanchardJeremy DaleJenny HarlockParamjit GillFrances GriffithsRachel SpencerAnne-Marie Slowther General practitioners’ views on emergency care treatment plans; an on-line survey 
  • Jo Parsons, Bilal Salman, Helen Leach, Eleanor Watson, Helen Atherton Training primary care staff in delivering the primary care consultation remotely: a systematic review BJGP Open 28 November 2023; BJGPO.2023.0110. DOI: 10.3399/BJGPO.2023.0110Link opens in a new window
  • Hoverd E, Cooper J, Shortland S, Zeh P, Bowers B, Tomlinson L, Dyer S, Boyer P, Charlewood J, Finney A (2023)
    Editorial: Developing research potential in the primary and community-nursing workforce: the impact of a community of practice Primary Health Care Research & Development, 24, E64. doi:10.1017/S1463423623000543Link opens in a new window
  • Poduval, S.; Kamal, A.; Martin, S.; Islam, A.; Kaviraj, C.; Gill, P. Beyond Information Provision: Analysis of the Roles of Structure and Agency in COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence in Ethnic Minority Communities. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 7008. opens in a new window
  • Borgstrom, E., Driessen, A., Krawczyk, M., Kirby, E., MacArtney, J., & Almack, K. (2023). Grieving academic grant rejections: Examining funding failure and experiences of loss. The Sociological Review, 0(0). opens in a new window
  • Sewell, B., Farr, A., Akbari, A. et al. The cost of implementing the COVID-19 shielding policy in Wales. BMC Public Health 23, 2342 (2023). opens in a new window
  • Nanton V, Bryan RT, Pope AM, et al Boosting and broadening recruitment to UK cancer trials: towards a blueprint for action BMJ Oncology 2023;2:e000092. doi: 10.1136/bmjonc-2023-000092Link opens in a new window
  • Dale J, Nanton V, Day T, Apenteng P, Bernstein CJ, Grason Smith G, Strong P, Procter R
    Uptake and Use of Care Companion, a Web-Based Information Resource for Supporting Informal Carers of Older People: Mixed Methods Study JMIR Aging 2023;6:e41185 doi: 10.2196/41185Link opens in a new window
  • Patricia N Apenteng, David Prieto-Merino, Siew Wan Hee, Trudie CA Lobban, Rishi Caleyachetty, David A Fitzmaurice Optimising prediction of mortality, stroke, and major bleeding for patients with atrial fibrillation: validation of the GARFIELD-AF tool in UK primary care electronic records
    British Journal of General Practice 2023; 73 (736): e816-e824. DOI: 10.3399/BJGP.2023.0082Link opens in a new window
  • Bailey C, Guo P, MacArtney J, Finucane A, Meade R, Swan S Wagstaff, E. (2023) “Palliative care is so much more than that”: a qualitative study exploring experiences of hospice staff and bereaved carers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, 11:1139313, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1139313Link opens in a new window
  • Nawaratne, S. D., Dale, J., MacArtney, J., Mitchell, S., Rimui, P., & Hirtenlehner, K. (2023). Compassionate communities and cities in low and middle-income countries: a systematic review protocol to identify transferrable lessons for implementation in the primary care context. International Journal of College of Palliative Medicine of Sri Lanka, 1(1). opens in a new window
  • Assing Hvidt E, Atherton H, Keuper J, Kristiansen E, Lüchau E, Lønnebakke Norberg B, Steinhäuser J, van den Heuvel J, van Tuyl L Low Adoption of Video Consultations in Post–COVID-19 General Practice in Northern Europe: Barriers to Use and Potential Action Points J Med Internet Res 2023;25:e47173
    DOI: 10.2196/47173Link opens in a new window
  • Jo Parsons, Bilal Salman, Helen Leach, Eleanor Watson, Helen Atherton Training primary care staff in delivering the primary care consultation remotely: a systematic review
    BJGP Open 10 August 2023; BJGPO.2023.0110. DOI: 10.3399/BJGPO.2023.0110Link opens in a new window
  • Porter A, Akbari A, Carson-Stevens A, et al Rationale for the shielding policy for clinically vulnerable people in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study BMJ Open 2023;13:e073464. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073464Link opens in a new window
  • H. Snooks, A. Watkins, J. Lyons, A. Akbari, R. Bailey, L. Bethell, A. Carson-Stevens, J. Dale, A. Edwards, H. Emery, B.A. Evans, S. Jolles, A. John, M. Kingston, A. Porter, B. Sewell, V. Williams, R.A. Lyons Did the UK's public health shielding policy protect the clinically extremely vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic in Wales? Results of EVITE Immunity, a linked data retrospective study Public Health, Volume 218, May 2023, Pages 12-20 opens in a new window
  • Sati Heer-Stavert The existentialist GP 
    British Journal of General Practice 2023; 73 (733): 363. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp23X734565Link opens in a new window
  • Nicky Christina Thomas, Helen Atherton, Jeremy Dale, Kayla Smith, Hayley Crawford General practice experiences for parents of children with intellectual disability. Systematic review BJGP Open 26 April 2023; BJGPO.2023.0010. DOI: 10.3399/BJGPO.2023.0010
  • Leach, Helen Madness and the Monarchy: Diagnosing King George III BJGP Life
  • Grimley, C., Hudson, B., Warren, R., Harrop, E., Murray, J., Hilleard, G., Goodburn, L., Matheson, A., & MacArtney, J. (2023). The perceived value of bereavement support and the impact on inequalities on availability and access. University of Warwick.
  • Vanashree Sexton, Helen Atherton, Jeremy Dale, Gary Abel Clinician-led secondary triage in England’s urgent care delivery: a cross-sectional study British Journal of General Practice 2023; 73 (731): e427-e434. DOI: 10.3399/BJGP.2022.0374
  • Macdonald C, MacGregor B, Hillman S, et al Qualitative systematic review of general practitioners’ (GPs’) views and experiences of providing postnatal care BMJ Open 2023;13:e070005. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-070005
  • Kirby E, MacArtney JI. Pandemic delay: social implications and challenges for palliative care. Palliative Care and Social Practice. 2023;17. opens in a new window
  • Thorlu-Bangura, Z., Poole, L., Sood, H. et al. Digital health, cardiometabolic disease and ethnicity: an analysis of United Kingdom government policies from 2010 to 2022. J Public Health Pol (2023). opens in a new window
  • Hancox JA, McKiernan CF, Martin AL, Tomas J, MacArtney JI. The emotional effects on professional interpreters of interpreting palliative care conversations for adult patients: A rapid review. Palliative Medicine. 2023;0(0). opens in a new window
  • Rachelle Jones, Jeremy Dale, John MacArtney Challenges experienced by general practitioners when providing palliative care in the UK: a systematic qualitative literature review
  • Sophie Rees, Caroline Owen, Clare Baumhauer, Sarah Hillman Vulval lichen sclerosus in primary care: thinking beyond thrush and genitourinary symptoms of the menopause
    British Journal of General Practice 2023; 73 (730): 234-236. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp23X732861
  • Jo Parsons, Gary Abel, Luke TA Mounce, Helen Atherton The Changing Face of Missed Appointments
    British Journal of General Practice 2023; 73 (728): 134-135. opens in a new window
  • McLoughlin B, Atherton H, MacArtney J, Dale J. Online support groups for carers of people living with dementia: An investigation of videoconferencing support groups in lockdown. Dementia. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/14713012231153431Link opens in a new window
  • Kristiansen, E. Atherton, H. Austad, B. Bergmo, T. Lønnebakke Norberg, B. Zanaboni, P. Older patients’ access to and use of text-based e-consultations with the General Practitioner: A qualitative interview study in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Care. Scand J Prim Healthcare. 2023
  • Laake J, De Soysa M, Subhaskaran K, et al. Impact of Increased Patient-Clinician Virtual Visits During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Student Enthusiasm for Future General Practice Careers. Fam Med. 2023;55(1):3-11.
  • Estecha-Querol, S.; Zehra Zaidi, S.K.; Al-Khudairy, L.; Gill, P.; Iqbal, R. Good Food Causes Good Effects and Bad Food Causes Bad Effects, Awareness, Meanings and Perceptions of Malnutrition among Pakistani Adolescents Living in Slums through Photodiaries and Interviews.Link opens in a new window Nutrients 2023, 15, 33. opens in a new window