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MILES TO GO: Improving transitional mental health care for young people across Europe

On 29 April 2019 in Westminster we presented the key findings from MILESTONE, the first Europe-wide research project focused on transition from child and adolescent mental health services. During this event, we heard from young people and sector-leading UK and international speakers about the importance of changing mental health practice and support in the UK and across Europe. This helped us gain a better understanding of wider issues linked with transition, such as service structures, policies, and training of health care professionals and ethics of transitioning. We also discussed the next steps in shaping policy, service provision and research regarding transition.

Below you can see pictures of our speakers in action and access their presentations and/or films shown on the day. The remaining speaker’s presentations will be available very shortly after their papers have been published.


Professor Swaran Singh (Co-ordinator of the MILESTONE study) - Introduction


Professor Dame Sue Bailey (Chair of The Children’s and Young people’s Mental Health Coalition) – Making transitions work

See Sue's presentation here.


Leanne Walker (Young project advisor) – Her experiences with Transition


Helen Bevan (Chief Transformation Officer at NHS Horizons) – How to take the power to influence and transform.


Professor Maryann Davis – Why transitions matter


Dr Guilia Signorini (Italian RA for MILESTONE) – What is the state of CAMHS provision across Europe

See Gulia's presentation here.


Professor Paramala Santosh (Lead member of the MILESTONE team in London) - Structured assessment before transition


Dr Cathy Street (Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) coordinator) – The Loneliness of 4 am


Dr Cathy Street (Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) coordinator) – The Loneliness of 4 am


Dr Athanasios Maras (Lead member of the MILESTONE team in the Netherlands) – Who is at the Transition boundary in Europe


Professor Jane Warwick (Head Statistician on MILESTONE) - Managed Transition: an 8 country trial


Panel reflection and Q&A - Sue Bailey (chair), Leanne Walker (co-chair), Helen Bevan, Maryann Davis, Charlotte Gatherer & Courtney Smyth (YPAs), Wendy Minnicott (Parent/Carer)


Jason Madan (Professor of Health Economics and MILESTONE team member) - Transitions: the economic case


Fiona McNicholas (Lead member of the MILESTONE team in Ireland) – Ethics of transitioning


Professor Bie Tremmery (Lead member of the MILESTONE in Belgium and France) - Improving training on transition


Professor Diane Purper-Ouakil – (Lead members of the MILESTONE in Belgium and France) Improving training on transition.


Norman Lamb (MP for North Norfolk and Mental Health Campaigner)


Professor Norman Sartorius (Leader in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) – Looking ahead


Interactive MILESTONE World café


Interactive MILESTONE World café


Interactive MILESTONE World café

The interactive World Café was a chance for everyone to discuss prominent issues in improving care for young people as they cross the CAMHS transition boundary. Delegates were divided into eight groups, and discussed themes relating to the key challenges, policy and practice initiatives, future research priorities, and how services users can be involved in future change. Ideas were collated and will be used to help us in planning further dissemination of MILESTONE’s findings, including who we might target for trying to improve mental health transitional care in the future.

The rest of the pictures from the day can be seen here.

Event information

Event details

Date: 29 April 2019

Time: 9.00am - 5.00pm

Location: Westminster, London

Speakers and programme

We welcomed:

  • Dame Sue Bailey - Chair of the Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition
  • Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP - Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for North Norfolk and mental health campaigner
  • Dr Maryann Davis - Professor, Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research, Department of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Take a look at the programme.

Contact us

If you have any further questions please contact Helena Tuomainen:

You can also follow us on social media:
Twitter: @Milestone_UoW
Instagram: @milestonewarwick


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 602442