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Resources created as part of the I:DNA project

Links to publications and outputs from the Imagining Futures research programme

Films that were part of the installation

Installation video/soundscape

I:DNA during Covid

Films about I:DNA

I:DNA documentary

What I:DNA visitors say

I:DNA at Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum

DNA Our Stories - poetry and spoken word event

DNA Our Stories - poetry workshop and discussion with poet Nigel Hutchinson

I:DNAonline film - background to research and I:DNA installation ahead of presentation and panel discussion

IDNAonline presentation and discussion - presentation by Felicity and panel discussion for ESRC FoSS 2020

Other I:DNA resources

Warwick Institute of Engagement I:DNA case study - for detailed discussion of our experiences creating, touring and evaluating I:DNA

I:DNA who am I? Gallery of children's artwork

I:DNA who am I - presentation by geneticist Beth Young

DNA our stories - Anthology of poetry

Publication on evaluation of I:DNA (to follow when available)

Films about Imagining Futures research (and other resources)

Felicity talking about Imagining Futures

Tammy talking about life with cystic fibrosis

Lisa talking about her son, Louis, who has fragile X syndrome

Rich talking about life with haemophilia

Georgia talking about life with spinal muscular atrophy

Ahmer talking about life with thalassemia

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