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Book and Journal Club

Club in sessionOverview

The Medical Statistics Book and Journal Club aims to offer an environment for researchers in medical statistics to discuss, debate and learn from their peers.

The club is meant to be an interactive forum where members come together to discuss a book or a seminal article. We are currently meeting every month for an hour and aim to cover a variety of statistical topics relevant to statisticians working in health sciences.



Book Club

Journal Club

Topical Discussion

A book is chosen and due to the constraints of time, only a few chapters are discussed in each meeting. The other chapters will be discussed in the next meeting(s). Each member chooses at least one chapter and presents it to the other members.

Every member is encouraged to read the article of the month before the meeting. The member who has recommended the article will lead the discussion.

A member posts a question a month before the meeting with supplemental materials that will help understanding the question and possible solutions. The member will present the topic at the meeting. Other club members are encouraged to comment, improve or suggest alternative solutions.



Next meeting

Date: 1st March 2022

Time: 12pm - 1pm

Venue: Webinar/GLT3

Title: Current & future statistical issues & challenges in Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

Speaker: Keith Abrams

(Talk title/abstract available on Schedule tab) 


Summary of books and journal articles discussed in 2020-2021

Summary of books and journal articles discussed in 2019-2020

Summary of books and journal articles discussed in 2018-2019

More summaries...


Join us

Email Chen Ji:
