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Human Metabolism Research Unit

The Human Metabolism Research Unit (HMRU) is a dedicated research-unit run by University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW) in partnership with Warwick Medical School.

The HMRU provides a unique opportunity to explore the determinants of human obesity and its metabolic sequelae and enables the study of metabolic profiles associated with other endocrine conditions. The HMRU is firmly affiliated with the WISDEM centre and uses the full complementary laboratory facilities available at Warwick Medical School’s Clinical Studies Building at UHCW.

Within the HMRU there are two whole body calorimeters, a ‘bodpod’ for air displacement plethysmography and facilities for cardio-pulmonary exercise testing. The West Midlands region has one of the most diverse, and most obese populations in Europe, and the region’s clinical networks have an excellent reputation for patient recruitment and retention in clinical trials, as well as having access to a large cohort of research-naïve patients and volunteers.

The clinical trial infrastructure is supported by Warwick Clinical Trials Unit as well as the infrastructure and investigators at UHCW, both have dedicated clinical trial professionals, nursing and nutrition support staff. All research studies are carried out to the highest standards. If you are interested in developing a research study at the HMRU please contact

Human Metabolism Research Unit video

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If you are interested in volunteering for studies in HMRU, please contact