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Thank you for registering. You now have permission to use WEMWBS in the manner detailed in your submission.
The resources below include both versions of WEMWBS along our guidelines on use and supplementary information to assist you in the analysis of anydata collected.
14-item scale WEMWBS
Download the original, 14-item scaleLink opens in a new window. This provides a fuller picture of mental wellbeing with a better balance of feeling and functioning items than the 7-item scale WEMWBS. It is preferred in situations where it is valuable to give study participants a picture of their mental wellbeing.
7-item scale WEMWBS
The Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale is a 7-point scale which can save valuable space and time in evaluations. Download the 7-point scaleLink opens in a new window.
Collecting, scoring and interpreting
Please read the guidelines regarding collecting, scoring and interpreting WEMWBS. The conversion chart to convert total raw scores can be downloaded.
For researchers
See the original WEMWBS User Guide. This is the guide that was originally developed for NHS Scotland, updated in 2015. It is intended for researchers and practitioners who are familiar with the use of scales in evaluations. It contains detailed information about the validation and distribution of the scale, comparison to other scales and some key questions about the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, including some support for sample size calculation.
For practitioners
We appreciate that many using WEMWBS will be less experienced in evaluation. We have developed a practice-based User GuideLink opens in a new window. It provides practical and easy to follow advice on using WEMWBS to evaluate a service or other intervention for practitioners who are new or relatively new to evaluation. It also contains advice about confidentiality.
Data analysis
We have developed various tools to aid your analysis. Excel templates containing sample data are available to download:
- WEMWBS 14-item Calculation TemplateLink opens in a new window
- WEMWBS 7-item Calculation TemplateLink opens in a new window
These will give you basic statistics for evaluation of an intervention study. Instructions are included. Just delete the sample data and enter your own.
Resources for training in the use of WEMWEBS as a pre- and post-intervention measure
Other guides
- Handbook from New Economics FoundationLink opens in a new window This handbook about measuring wellbeing was produced by the New Economics Foundation to support their evaluation of wellbeing interventions. It includes information about study design and scoring of WEMWBS as well as findings from a population study.
- The What Works Wellbeing CentreLink opens in a new window has published guidance on measuring mental wellbeing and are due to publish an online tool for incorporating WEMWBS or other measures for mental wellbeing into evaluations.
Translations & Adaptations
We have developed translations of WEMWBS in many languages and hope to add more in the future. If you'd like to use one of the translations, you need to get a licence to use it. You also need to ensure that you reproduce the copyright statement (Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS) © University of Warwick 2006, all rights reserved) under the translation in whatever form you present it to study participants. You are also asked to get in touch with the listed contact (where applicable) to let them know you'll be using it.