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Professor Janet Dunn

Job Title
Professor of Clinical Trials & Hd of Cancer Trials
WMS - Warwick Clinical Trials Unit
Web Link
Professor Janet Dunn is Head of Cancer Trials at Warwick Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) at Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick. She has over 30 years clinical trials experience. She qualified with a BSc (2i) in Mathematical Sciences in 1987, an MSc in Applied Statistics in 1989 from Manchester and gained a PhD in Medicine in 2004 from Birmingham. She started as a junior statistician in 1988 at the Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit, University of Birmingham, working up to Deputy Director and then Assistant Director responsible for over 25 phase III multi-centre randomised clinical trials. She was instrumental in establishing Birmingham as one of the initial 6 national accredited cancer clinical trials units. In 2003 she was awarded a USA National Cancer Institute fellowship which involved a 6 month sabbatical at Washington DC assessing smoking as a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. She is involved in National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) breast, colorectal, pancreatic, myeloma, melanoma, and head & neck cancer trials and is currently on the NCRI breast cancer clinical studies group. In January 2006 she was appointed as Professor of Clinical Trials and head of cancer trials at Warwick CTU and was instrumental in establishing cancer trials. Warwick CTU gained full UKCRN registration in 2008 and moved into their new building in 2009 having secured money from Advantage West Midlands Science City and the Wolfson Foundation. Her research interests include the evaluation of prognostic and predictive factors in cancer clinical trials, and designing clinical trials to impact on clinical practice. The establishment of the National Cancer Research Network and the continued funding from Cancer Research UK has resulted in the completion of many successful UK academic trials which have challenged and changed clinical practice. In 2008 Professor Dunn was awarded National Institute of Health Research Senior Investigator status being one of the inaugural cohort of investigators contributing to applied patient centred research. She has been successful in attracting NIHR National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment (NCCHTA) grants totalling £6 million for cancer trials at Warwick. These achievements have resulted in Warwick CTU being one of the 15 NCRI badged CTUs demonstrating esteem for the Cancer trials carried out within Warwick CTU.

Professor Janet Dunn is Head of Cancer Trials at Warwick Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) at Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick. She has over 30 years clinical trials experience. She qualified with a BSc (2i) in Mathematical Sciences in 1987, an MSc in Applied Statistics in 1989 from Manchester and gained a PhD in Medicine in 2004 from Birmingham. She started as a junior statistician in 1988 at the Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit, University of Birmingham, working up to Deputy Director and then Assistant Director responsible for over 25 phase III multi-centre randomised clinical trials. She was instrumental in establishing Birmingham as one of the initial 6 national accredited cancer clinical trials units. In 2003 she was awarded a USA National Cancer Institute fellowship which involved a 6 month sabbatical at Washington DC assessing smoking as a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. She is involved in National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) breast, colorectal, pancreatic, myeloma, melanoma, and head & neck cancer trials and is currently on the NCRI breast cancer clinical studies group. In January 2006 she was appointed as Professor of Clinical Trials and head of cancer trials at Warwick CTU and was instrumental in establishing cancer trials. Warwick CTU gained full UKCRN registration in 2008 and moved into their new building in 2009 having secured money from Advantage West Midlands Science City and the Wolfson Foundation. Her research interests include the evaluation of prognostic and predictive factors in cancer clinical trials, and designing clinical trials to impact on clinical practice. The establishment of the National Cancer Research Network and the continued funding from Cancer Research UK has resulted in the completion of many successful UK academic trials which have challenged and changed clinical practice. In 2008 Professor Dunn was awarded National Institute of Health Research Senior Investigator status being one of the inaugural cohort of investigators contributing to applied patient centred research. She has been successful in attracting NIHR National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment (NCCHTA) grants totalling £6 million for cancer trials at Warwick. These achievements have resulted in Warwick CTU being one of the 15 NCRI badged CTUs demonstrating esteem for the Cancer trials carried out within Warwick CTU.

  • Friede, Tim, Dunn, Janet A., Stallard, Nigel, 2008. Clinical trials in oncology. In Missailidis, Sotiris (ed.), Anticancer therapeutics, Oxford ; Hoboken, NJ, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 365-375
Title Funder Award start Award end
NIHR HTA via Derby NHS Tust: ATNEC?Axillary management in T1-3N1M0 breast cancer patients with FNA or core biopsy proven nodal metastases at presentation after NEoadjuvant Chemotherapy National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2020 28 Feb 2030
ATNEC Y6-10 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2020 28 Feb 2030
CESAR: Contrast Enhanced mammography versus magnetic reSonance imaging for Assessing Response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT): a non-inferiority study National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sept 2024 31 Aug 2027
NIHR HTA Stage 2 via UHCW: Evaluation of PeRsOnalised PrEhabilitation in acute myeloid Leukaemia (PROPEL). National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sept 2022 31 Aug 2027
NIHR EME NIHR150502 via Bristol: : Diagnostic yield study to determine whether an abbreviated form of breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FAST MRI) can detect breast cancers missed by screening mammography for women at population risk of breast cancer with average mammographic density following their initial screening mammogram National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 May 2023 31 Oct 2026
NIHR PGfAR via Newcastle: Improving outcomeS for Women diagnosed with early breast cancer through adhErence to adjuvant Endocrine Therapy (SWEET) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 18 May 2020 17 May 2026
COBIx: Multi-site validation of automated AI tool for screening of large bowel endoscopic biopsy slides National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Apr 2023 31 Mar 2026
NIHR Programme Grant:Improving outcomeS for Women diagnosed with early breast cancer through adhErence to adjuvant Endocrine Therapy (SWEET) Year 6 costs National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 03 Feb 2020 02 Feb 2026
OPTIMA funded to UCL by VERACYTE VERACYTE 01 Sept 2022 31 Dec 2025
Bloodwise: Repurposed drugs to improve haematological responses in Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Bloodwise 01 Sept 2020 30 Jun 2025
NIHR HTA Stage 2: Volatile vs Total intravenous Anaesthesia for major non-cardiac surgery ? a randomised controlled triaL (VITAL) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Nov 2020 30 Apr 2025
Veracyte Gift award for OPTIMA Investigator Meeting VERACYTE 01 Feb 2024 31 Jan 2025
Make 2NDS COUNT: A national study of the experiences, information needs and attitudes to clinical research of patients living with secondary breast cancer in the UK (MSBC) MAKE 2NDS COUNT 01 Jan 2021 30 Sept 2024
Breast Cancer Now: Mammographic Density Study Breast Cancer Now 01 Mar 2019 31 Aug 2024
Mammographic surveilance in breast cancer patients aged 50 years or older (Mammo-50) (RMRCT 1081) Extension.Linked to IDEATE 33985 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jul 2022 31 Dec 2023
NIHR HTA Costed Extenison: Digital Pathology_Linked to Main award on IDEATE 58038 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Nov 2021 30 Apr 2023
NIHR Senior Investigator Award 2018 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2019 31 Mar 2023
OPTIMA - 8 year extension National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2015 31 Mar 2023
Breast Cancer Now:SENTINUS: Multicentre phase II trial to assess technical feasibility and diagnostic performance of intradermal microbubbles and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) plus core biopsy as a test to identify sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastases in patients with primary invasive breast cancer and a normal axillary grey-scale ultrasound. Lead by Maidstone NHS Trust Breast Cancer Now 05 Oct 2020 04 Jan 2023
Mammographic surveillance in breast cancer patients aged 50 years or older National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2013 28 Feb 2022
NIHR HTA: Whole slide imaging in pathology National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Nov 2018 31 Oct 2021
PET NECK Data Re-Analysis University of Birmingham 01 Feb 2017 31 Dec 2020
PERSEPHONE Trial: Amendment to Collaboration agreement. Linked to IDEATE record 50306. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Apr 2007 31 Dec 2020
OPTIMAL study with Churchill Oxford NHS Trust Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust 01 Apr 2014 31 Mar 2020
De-escalate - Extension and supplement Cancer Research UK 01 Sept 2017 31 Dec 2019
CRUK funded via Cambridge: AVAST-M - Extension Cancer Research UK 01 Aug 2010 31 Dec 2019
Persephone extension and supplement National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jul 2016 30 Jun 2019
Sponsorship of 2019 OPTIMA Investigator Meeting Nanostring Technologies 04 Apr 2019 03 May 2019
Investigating interactions between the triad of Myeloma disease activity TEAMM EME National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Feb 2017 31 Jan 2019
ARTemis: Avastin randomised trial with nEo-adjuvant cheMotherapy for patinets with early breat cancer : Analysis Extension Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 01 Jul 2011 31 Dec 2018
Avastin Randomised Trial with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with early HER 2 negative breast cancer Artemis Year 9 Funding - staff - Late Phase Study Cancer Research UK 01 May 2017 30 Apr 2018
ARTEMIS Pre-operative Avastin with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy Years 7,8 & 9 Support Funding Cancer Research UK 01 May 2015 30 Apr 2018
Late Phase Study De-ESCALaTE-HPV Determination of Epidermal growth factor receptor-inhibitor(cetuximab) vs Standard Chemotherapy early and late toxicity Events - Year 6 Cancer Research UK 01 Sept 2016 31 Aug 2017
De-ESCALaTE-HPV - TrialDetermination of epidermal growth factor receptor-inhibitor (cetuximab) vs standard chemotherapy early and late toxicity events in human papilloma virus positive oropharyngeal carcinoma Cancer Research UK 01 Mar 2011 28 Feb 2017
Research Capacity Funding Technology Assessment programme for Research linked to Mammo50 trial support University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust 01 Jan 2014 31 Dec 2016
Second Recosting for extension of the Persephone HTA Trial National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jul 2013 30 Jun 2016
OPTIMA Launch Meeting Nanostring Technologies 01 Oct 2015 31 Dec 2015
Lugols Iodine in Head and Neck Cancer Surgery: A multi-centre randomised controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of Lugols Iodine - 15mth extension to the LIHNCS study. Cancer Research UK 01 Oct 2014 31 Dec 2015
OPTIMA extra funds National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 May 2015 31 Oct 2015
BAYER - Investigator led research proposal: *SELECT-D* Duration of anticoagulation therapy in SELECTeD patients with advanced cancer at risk of recurrence of venous thromboembolism - Bayer plc 01 Oct 2012 30 Sept 2015
Support for WMS Clinical Trials Unit Facility Wolfson Foundation 01 Jul 2007 30 Jun 2015
ARTEMIS Pre-operative Avastin with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy Year 6 extension Cancer Research UK 01 May 2014 30 Apr 2015
PET-NECK Extension. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2013 31 Mar 2015
TEAMM (HTA via Bham) Tackling Early Morbidity in Myeloma: Assessing the benefit of Antibiotic Prophylaxis and its effect on Healthcare Associated Infections National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2010 31 Dec 2014
Educational Grant towards randomisation costs for CAB B trial (led by University Hospital Birmingham) Sanofi-Aventis 13 Dec 2012 12 Dec 2014
Improving breast cancer detection rates through understanding and modelling the patterns of radiologist performance Breast Cancer Campaign 01 Oct 2011 30 Sept 2014
CRUK/11/043: De-ESCALaTE-HPV - year 3 Cancer Research UK 01 Sept 2013 31 Aug 2014
Supplement for year two of De-ESCALaTE-HPV trial. Award RMRCT0058, original proposal 28097 Cancer Research UK 01 Sept 2013 31 Aug 2014
Neo Escape funding for data manager University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust 01 Apr 2013 31 Mar 2014
CRUK:via Bradford LUGOLS Cancer Research UK 01 Apr 2010 31 Mar 2014
Variation: ATRemis:Avastin Randomised Trial with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with early HER2 negative breast cancer Cancer Research UK 01 Jan 2010 31 Dec 2013
ARTemis: Avastin Randomised Trial with neo-adjuvent cheMotherapy for patients with early HER 2 negatIve breaSt cancer Cancer Research UK 01 Dec 2008 30 Nov 2013
HTA FULL proposal: OPTIMA (Pilot Study) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sept 2012 31 Aug 2013
3 month extention of the Persephone HTA Trial National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2013 30 Jun 2013
Supplement from Cambridge University - PERSEPHONE Trial NHS Health Technology Assessment (HTA) 20 Apr 2011 31 Mar 2013
Persephone - Adjuvant: Duration of Adjuvant Trastuzumab Study with Chemotherapy in Early Breast Cancer: Six Versus Twelve Months NHS Health Technology Assessment (HTA) 01 Apr 2007 31 Mar 2013
Positron emission tomography - CT scan (pet-CT) guided watch and wait policy versus planned neck dissection for locally advanced (N2/N3) nodal metastases in patient with head neck squamous carcinoma treated with radical chemoradiotherapy. NHS Health Technology Assessment (HTA) 01 Apr 2007 31 Mar 2013
Educational Conference Sponsorship agreement for Optima launch event GE Healthcare 22 Jan 2013 28 Feb 2013
MRC DPFS via Queens University Belfast: Identifying markers of response to anti-oestrogen therapy MRC 01 Feb 2011 31 Jan 2013
COUGAR 2 Extension - Andrea Marshall Cancer Research UK 01 Nov 2010 31 Oct 2012
West Mids SHA Research Training Fellowship:How does contemporary health care meet the needs of those living with a poor prognostic cancer and does it need improving? West Midlands Strategic Health Authority 01 Oct 2009 30 Sept 2012
Characterisation of cardiac changes before and after kidney transplantation using cardiopulmonary exercise testing echocardiograhpy University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust 01 Aug 2009 30 Sept 2012
Statistical Analysis Agreement for ARTEMIS Cancer Research UK 01 Jan 2009 30 Jun 2011
AVAST-M: Randomised Trial Evaluating the VEGF Inhibitor, Bevacinumab (Avastin), as Adjuvant Therapy Following Resection of AJCC Stage 11B (T4aNOMO), IIC (TB4NOMO) and III (TxN1-2MO) Melanoma University of Cambridge 01 Aug 2006 31 Jul 2010
COUGAR-2: A Phase III Randomised Controlled Trial of Docetaxel Versus Active Symptom Control as Second Line Treatment in Advanced Gastric Cancer Cancer Research UK 01 Jun 2007 31 May 2010
Neat Science - TOPO University of Edinburgh 07 Jul 2008 06 Jul 2009
Neo-Tango Statistical Analysis University of Cambridge 01 Apr 2008 31 Mar 2009
Proof concept study for use of topical oral cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors (cox-1) mouthwash. Cancer Research UK 01 Apr 2007 31 Mar 2009
Neo-tango statistical analysis Cancer Research UK 01 Mar 2007 28 Feb 2009
MK 966,201 ViP data analysis. Merck & Co Inc 19 Jun 2006 31 Dec 2007
Travel Award for Improving Data Collection for Statistics of Cancer Incidence, Management, Mortality and Survival in the UK Cancer Research UK 01 Feb 2007 30 Nov 2007
Improving Ethnic Data Collection for Statistics of Cancer Incidence, Management, Mortality and Survival in the UK. Cancer Research UK 01 Sept 2006 30 Jun 2007
CRUK Travel Award for R Millwood - Society of Clinical Trials Meeting May 2006 Cancer Research UK 01 Sept 2006 31 May 2007
Reimbursement of secondment funds for Miss Andrea Burton to work on project at Oxford Cancer Research UK 01 Oct 2005 30 Sept 2006

All authors for Digital pathology for reporting histopathology samples, including cancer screening samples ? definitive evidence from a multisite study

Azam, Ayesha S., Tsang, Yee?Wah, Thirlwall, Jenny, Kimani, Peter K., Sah, Shatrughan, Gopalakrishnan, Kishore, Boyd, Clinton, Loughrey, Maurice B., Kelly, Paul J., Boyle, David P., Salto?Tellez, Manuel, Clark, David, Ellis, Ian O., Ilyas, Mohammad, Rakha, Emad, Bickers, Adam, Roberts, Ian S. D., Soares, Maria F., Neil, Desley A. H., Takyi, Abi, Raveendran, Sinthuri, Hero, Emily, Evans, Harriet, Osman, Rania, Fatima, Khunsha, Hughes, Rhian W., McIntosh, Stuart A., Moran, Gordon W., Ortiz?Fernandez?Sordo, Jacobo, Rajpoot, Nasir M., Storey, Ben, Ahmed, Imtiaz, Dunn, Janet A., Hiller, Louise, Snead, David R. J.

All authors for 'Residual cancer burden after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and long-term survival outcomes in breast cancer : a multicentre pooled analysis of 5161 patients

'Yao, C., 'Osdoit, M., 'van der Noordaa, M., 'Shad, S., 'Wei, J., 'de Croze, D., 'Hamy, A -S., 'La?, M., 'Reyal, F., 'Sonke, G. S., 'Steenbruggen, T. G., 'van Seijen, M., 'Wesseling, J., 'Mart?n, M., 'del Monte-Mill?n, M., 'L?pez-Tarruella, S., 'Boughey, J. C., 'Goetz, M. P., 'Hoskin, T., 'Gould, R., 'Valero, V., 'Edge, S. B., 'Abraham, J. E., 'Bartlett, J. M. S., 'Caldas, C., 'Dunn, Janet A., 'Earl, H. M., 'Hayward, L., 'Hiller, Louise, 'Provenzano, E., 'Sammut, S. J., 'Thomas, J. S., 'Cameron, D., 'Graham, A., 'Hall, P., 'Mackintosh, L., 'Fan, F., 'Godwin, A. K., 'Schwensen, K., 'Sharma, P., 'DeMichele, A. M., 'Cole, K., 'Pusztai, L., 'Kim, M., 'van?t Veer, L. J., 'Esserman, L. J., 'Symmans, W. F.

All authors for Multi-omic machine learning predictor of breast cancer therapy response

Sammut, S., Crispin-Ortuzar, M., Chin, S. F., Provenzano, E., Bardwell, H. A., Ma, W., Cope, W., Dariush, A., Dawson, S. J., Abraham, J., Dunn, Janet A., Hiller, Louise, Thomas, J., Cameron, D. A., Bartlett, John M. S., Hayward, Larry, Pharoah, Paul D., Markowetz, Florian, Rueda, Oscar M., Earl, Helena M., Caldas, Carlos

All authors for Six versus 12 months' adjuvant trastuzumab in patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer : the PERSEPHONE non-inferiority RCT

Earl, Helena, Hiller, Louise, Vallier, Anne-Laure, Loi, Shrushma, McAdam, Karen, Hughes-Davies, Luke, Rea, Daniel, Howe, Donna L., Raynes, Kerry, Higgins, Helen B., Wilcox, Maggie, Plummer, Chris, Mahler-Araujo, Betania, Provenzano, Elena, Chhabra, Anita, Gasson, Sophie, Balmer, Claire E., Abraham, Jean E., Caldas, Carlos, Hall, Peter, Shinkins, Bethany, McCabe, Christopher, Hulme, Claire, Miles, David, Wardley, Andrew M., Cameron, David A., Dunn, Janet A.

All authors for 6 versus 12 months of adjuvant trastuzumab for HER2-positive early breast cancer (PERSEPHONE) : 4-year disease-free survival results of a randomised phase 3 non-inferiority trial

Earl, Helena M., Hiller, Louise, Vallier, Anne-Laure, Loi, Shrushma, McAdam, Karen, Hughes-Davies, Luke, Harnett, Adrian N, Ah-See, Mei-Lin, Simcock, Richard, Rea, Daniel, Raj, Sanjay, Woodings, Pamela, Harries, Mark, Howe, Donna L., Raynes, Kerry, Higgins, Helen B., Wilcox, Maggie, Plummer, Chris, Mansi, Janine, Gounaris, Ioannis, Mahler?Araujo, Betania, Provenzano, Elena, Chhabra, Anita, Abraham, Jean E, Caldas, Carlos, Hall, Peter S, McCabe, Christopher, Hulme, Claire, Miles, David, Wardley, Andrew M, Cameron, David A, Dunn, Janet A.

All authors for Levofloxacin prophylaxis in patients with newly diagnosed myeloma (TEAMM) : a multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised, phase 3 trial.

Drayson, Mark T, Bowcock, Stella, Planche, Tim, Iqbal, Gulnaz, Pratt, Guy, Yong, Kwee, Wood, Jill, Raynes, Kerry, Higgins, Helen B., Dawkins, Bryony, Meads, David, Hulme, Claire T, Monahan, Irene, Karunanithi, Kamaraj, Dignum, Helen, Belsham, Edward, Neilson, Jeff, Harrison, Beth, Lokare, Anand, Campbell, Gavin, Hamblin, Michael, Hawkey, Peter, Whittaker, Anna C, Low, Eric, Dunn, Janet A.

All authors for Genome-wide association study of germline variants and breast cancer-specific mortality

Escala-Garcia, Maria, Guo, Qi, Dörk, Thilo, Canisius, Sander, Keeman, Renske, Dennis, Joe, Beesley, Jonathan, Lecarpentier, Julie, Bolla, Manjeet K., Wang, Qin, Abraham, Jean, Andrulis, Irene L., Anton-Culver, Hoda, Arndt, Volker, Auer, Paul L., Beckmann, Matthias W., Behrens, Sabine, Benitez, Javier, Bermisheva, Marina, Bernstein, Leslie, Blomqvist, Carl, Boeckx, Bram, Bojesen, Stig E., Bonanni, Bernardo, Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise, Brauch, Hiltrud, Brenner, Hermann, Brentnall, Adam, Brinton, Louise, Broberg, Per, Brock, Ian W., Brucker, Sara Y., Burwinkel, Barbara, Caldas, Carlos, Caldés, Trinidad, Campa, Daniele, Canzian, Federico, Carracedo, Angel, Carter, Brian D., Castelao, Jose E., Chang-Claude, Jenny, Chanock, Stephen J., Chenevix-Trench, Georgia, Cheng, Ting-Yuan David, Chin, Suet-Feung, Clarke, Christine L., Cordina-Duverger, Emilie, Couch, Fergus J., Cox, David G., Cox, Angela, Cross, Simon S., Czene, Kamila, Daly, Mary B., Devilee, Peter, Dunn, Janet A., Dunning, Alison M., Durcan, Lorraine, Dwek, Miriam, Earl, Helena M., Ekici, Arif B., Eliassen, A. Heather, Ellberg, Carolina, Engel, Christoph, Eriksson, Mikael, Evans, D. Gareth, Figueroa, Jonine, Flesch-Janys, Dieter, Flyger, Henrik, Gabrielson, Marike, Gago-Dominguez, Manuela, Galle, Eva, Gapstur, Susan M., García-Closas, Montserrat, García-Sáenz, José A., Gaudet, Mia M., George, Angela, Georgoulias, Vassilios, Giles, Graham G., Glendon, Gord, Goldgar, David E., González-Neira, Anna, Alnæs, Grethe I. Grenaker, Grip, Mervi, Guénel, Pascal, Haeberle, Lothar, Hahnen, Eric, Haiman, Christopher A., Håkansson, Niclas, Hall, Per, Hamann, Ute, Hankinson, Susan, Harkness, Elaine F., Harrington, Patricia A., Hart, Steven N., Hartikainen, Jaana M., Hein, Alexander, Hillemanns, Peter, Hiller, Louise, Holleczek, Bernd, Hollestelle, Antoinette, Hooning, Maartje J., Hoover, Robert N., Hopper, John L., Howell, Anthony, Huang, Guanmengqian, Humphreys, Keith, Hunter, David J., Janni, Wolfgang, John, Esther M., Jones, Michael E., Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja, Jung, Audrey, Kaaks, Rudolf, Kabisch, Maria, Kaczmarek, Katarzyna, Kerin, Michael J., Khan, Sofia, Khusnutdinova, Elza, Kiiski, Johanna I., Kitahara, Cari M., Knight, Julia A., Ko, Yon-Dschun, Koppert, Linetta B., Kosma, Veli-Matti, Kraft, Peter, Kristensen, Vessela N., Krüger, Ute, Kühl, Tabea, Lambrechts, Diether, Le Marchand, Loic, Lee, Eunjung, Lejbkowicz, Flavio, Li, Lian, Lindblom, Annika, Lindström, Sara, Linet, Martha, Lissowska, Jolanta, Lo, Wing-Yee, Loibl, Sibylle, Lubinski, Jan, Lux, Michael P., MacInnis, Robert J., Maierthaler, Melanie, Maishman, Tom, Makalic, Enes, Mannermaa, Arto, Manoochehri, Mehdi, Manoukian, Siranoush, Margolin, Sara, Martinez, Maria Elena, Mavroudis, Dimitrios, McLean, Catriona, Meindl, Alfons, Middha, Pooja, Miller, Nicola, Milne, Roger L., Moreno, Fernando, Mulligan, Anna Marie, Mulot, Claire, Nassir, Rami, Neuhausen, Susan L., Newman, William T., Nielsen, Sune F., Nordestgaard, Børge G., Norman, Aaron, Olsson, Håkan, Orr, Nick, Pankratz, V. Shane, Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won, Perez, Jose I. A., Pérez-Barrios, Clara, Peterlongo, Paolo, Petridis, Christos, Pinchev, Mila, Prajzendanc, Karoliona, Prentice, Ross, Presneau, Nadege, Prokofieva, Darya, Pylkäs, Katri, Rack, Brigitte, Radice, Paolo, Ramachandran, Dhanya, Rennert, Gadi, Rennert, Hedy S., Rhenius, Valerie, Romero, Atocha, Roylance, Rebecca, Saloustros, Emmanouil, Sawyer, Elinor J., Schmidt, Daniel F., Schmutzler, Rita K., Schneeweiss, Andreas, Schoemaker, Minouk J., Schumacher, Fredrick, Schwentner, Lukas, Scott, Rodney J., Scott, Christopher, Seynaeve, Caroline, Shah, Mitul, Simard, Jacques, Smeets, Ann, Sohn, Christof, Southey, Melissa C., Swerdlow, Anthony J., Talhouk, Aline, Tamimi, Rulla M., Tapper, William J., Teixeira, Manuel R., Tengström, Maria, Terry, Mary Beth, Thöne, Kathrin, Tollenaar, Rob A. E. M., Tomlinson, Ian, Torres, Diana, Truong, Thérèse, Turman, Constance, Turnbull, Clare, Ulmer, Hans-Ulrich, Untch, Michael, Vachon, Celine, van Asperen, Christi J., van den Ouweland, Ans M. W., van Veen, Elke M., Wendt, Camilla, Whittemore, Alice S., Willett, Walter, Winqvist, Robert, Wolk, Alicja, Yang, Xiaohong R., Zhang, Yan, Easton, Douglas F., Fasching, Peter A., Nevanlinna, Heli, Eccles, Diana M., Pharoah, Paul D. P., Schmidt, Marjanka K.

All authors for Adjuvant bevacizumab for melanoma patients at high risk of recurrence : survival analysis of the AVAST-M trial

Corrie, Pippa G., Marshall, A. (Andrea)?, Nathan, P D., Lorigan, P., Gore, M., Tahir, S., Faust, G., Kelly, C. G., Marples, M., Danson, S. J., Marshall, E., Houston, S. J., Board, R E., Waterston, A. M., Nobes, J. P., Harries, M., Kumar, S., Goodman, A., Dalgleish, A., Martin-Clavijo, A., Westwell, S., Casasola, R., Chao, D., Maraveyas, A., Patel, P. M., Ottensmeier, C. H., Farrugia, D., Humphreys, A., Eccles, B., Young, G., Barker, E. O., Harman, C., Weiss, M., Myers, K. A., Chhabra, A., Rodwell, S. H., Dunn, Janet A., Middleton, M. R.

All authors for Central pathology review with two-stage quality assurance for pathological response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the ARTemis Trial

Thomas, Jeremy St John, Provenzano, Elena, Hiller, Louise, Dunn, Janet A., Blenkinsop, Clare, Grybowicz, Louise, Vallier, Anne-Laure, Gounaris, Ioannis, Abraham, Jean, Hughes-Davies, Luke, McAdam, Karen, Chan, Stephen, Ahmad, Rizvana, Hickish, Tamas, Houston, Stephen, Rea, Daniel, Caldas, Carlos, Bartlett, John M. S., Cameron, David Allan, Hayward, Richard Laurence, Earl, Helena Margaret

All authors for Addition of gemcitabine to paclitaxel, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide adjuvant chemotherapy for women with early-stage breast cancer (tAnGo) : final 10-year follow-up of an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial

Earl, Helena M., Hiller, Louise, Howard, Helen C., Dunn, Janet A., Young, Jennie, Bowden, Sarah J., McDermaid, Michelle, Waterhouse, Anna K., Wilson, Gregory, Agrawal, Rajiv, O'Reilly, Susan, Bowman, Angela, Ritchie, Diana M., Goodman, Andrew, Hickish, Tamas, McAdam, Karen, Cameron, David, Dodwell, David, Rea, Daniel W., Caldas, Carlos, Provenzano, Elena, Abraham, Jean E., Canney, Peter, Crown, John P., Kennedy, M John, Coleman, Robert, Leonard, Robert C., Carmichael, James A., Wardley, Andrew M., Poole, Christopher J.

All authors for A genomic approach to therapeutic target validation identifies a glucose-lowering GLP1R variant protective for coronary heart disease

Scott, R. A., Freitag, D. F., Li, L., Chu, A. Y., Surendran, P., Young, R., Grarup, N., Stancakova, A., Chen, Y., Varga, T. V., Yaghootkar, H., Luan, J., Zhao, J. H., Willems, S. M., Wessel, J., Wang, S., Maruthur, N., Michailidou, K., Pirie, A., van der Lee, S. J., Gillson, C., Al Olama, A. A., Amouyel, P., Arriola, L., Arveiler, D., Aviles-Olmos, I., Balkau, B., Barricarte, A., Barroso, I., Garcia, S. B., Bis, J. C., Blankenberg, S., Boehnke, M., Boeing, H., Boerwinkle, E., Borecki, I. B., Bork-Jensen, J., Bowden, S., Caldas, C., Caslake, M., Cupples, L. A., Cruchaga, C., Czajkowski, J., den Hoed, M., Dunn, Janet A., Earl, H. M., Ehret, G. B., Ferrannini, E., Ferrieres, J., Foltynie, T., Ford, I., Forouhi, N. G., Gianfagna, F., Gonzalez, C., Grioni, S., Hiller, Louise, Jansson, J.-H., Jorgensen, M. E., Jukema, J. W., Kaaks, R., Kee, F., Kerrison, N. D., Key, T. J., Kontto, J., Kote-Jarai, Z., Kraja, A. T., Kuulasmaa, K., Kuusisto, J., Linneberg, A., Liu, C., Marenne, G., Mohlke, K. L., Morris, A. P., Muir, K., Muller-Nurasyid, M., Munroe, P. B., Navarro, C., Nielsen, S. F., Nilsson, P. M., Nordestgaard, B. G., Packard, C. J., Palli, D., Panico, S., Peloso, G. M., Perola, M., Peters, A., Poole, C. J., Quiros, J. R., Rolandsson, O., Sacerdote, C., Salomaa, V., Sanchez, M.-J., Sattar, N., Sharp, S. J., Sims, R., Slimani, N., Smith, J. A., Thompson, D. J., Trompet, S., Tumino, R., van der A, D. L., van der Schouw, Y. T., Virtamo, J., Walker, M., Walter, K., Abraham, J. E., Amundadottir, L. T., Aponte, J. L., Butterworth, A. S., Dupuis, J., Easton, D. F., Eeles, R. A., Erdmann, J., Franks, P. W., Frayling, T. M., Hansen, T., Howson, J. M. M., Jorgensen, T., Kooner, J., Laakso, M., Langenberg, C., McCarthy, M. I., Pankow, J. S., Pedersen, O., Riboli, E., Rotter, J. I., Saleheen, D., Samani, N. J., Schunkert, H., Vollenweider, P., ORahilly, S., Deloukas, P., Danesh, J., Goodarzi, M. O., Kathiresan, S., Meigs, J. B., Ehm, M. G., Wareham, N. J., Waterworth, D. M.

All authors for Identification of Novel Genetic Markers of Breast Cancer Survival

Guo, Q., Schmidt, M. K., Kraft, P., Canisius, S., Chen, C., Khan, S., Tyrer, J., Bolla, M. K., Wang, Q., Dennis, J., Michailidou, K., Lush, M., Kar, S., Beesley, J., Dunning, A. M., Shah, M., Czene, K., Darabi, H., Eriksson, M., Lambrechts, D., Weltens, C., Leunen, K., Bojesen, S. E., Nordestgaard, B. G., Nielsen, S. F., Flyger, H., Chang-Claude, J., Rudolph, A., Seibold, P., Flesch-Janys, D., Blomqvist, C., Aittomaki, K., Fagerholm, R., Muranen, T. A., Couch, F. J., Olson, J. E., Vachon, C., Andrulis, I. L., Knight, J. A., Glendon, G., Mulligan, A. M., Broeks, A., Hogervorst, F. B., Haiman, C. A., Henderson, B. E., Schumacher, F., Le Marchand, L., Hopper, J. L., Tsimiklis, H., Apicella, C., Southey, M. C., Cox, A., Cross, S. S., Reed, M. W. R., Giles, G. G., Milne, R. L., McLean, C., Winqvist, R., Pylkas, K., Jukkola-Vuorinen, A., Grip, M., Hooning, M. J., Hollestelle, A., Martens, J. W. M., van den Ouweland, A. M. W., Marme, F., Schneeweiss, A., Yang, R., Burwinkel, B., Figueroa, J., Chanock, S. J., Lissowska, J., Sawyer, E. J., Tomlinson, I., Kerin, M. J., Miller, N., Brenner, H., Dieffenbach, A. K., Arndt, V., Holleczek, B., Mannermaa, A., Kataja, V., Kosma, V.-M., Hartikainen, J. M., Li, J., Brand, J. S., Humphreys, K., Devilee, P., Tollenaar, R. A. E. M., Seynaeve, C., Radice, P., Peterlongo, P., Bonanni, B., Mariani, P., Fasching, P. A., Beckmann, M. W., Hein, A., Ekici, A. B., Chenevix-Trench, G., Balleine, R., Phillips, K.-A., Benitez, J., Zamora, M. P., Arias Perez, J. I., Menendez, P., Jakubowska, A., Lubinski, J., Jaworska-Bieniek, K., Durda, K., Hamann, U., Kabisch, M., Ulmer, H. U., Rudiger, T., Margolin, S., Kristensen, V., Nord, S., Evans, D. G., Abraham, J. E., Earl, H. M., Hiller, Louise, Dunn, Janet A., Bowden, S., Berg, C., Campa, D., Diver, W. R., Gapstur, S. M., Gaudet, M. M., Hankinson, S. E., Hoover, R. N., Husing, A., Kaaks, R., Machiela, M. J., Willett, W., Barrdahl, M., Canzian, F., Chin, S.-F., Caldas, C., Hunter, D. J., Lindstrom, S., Garcia-Closas, M., Hall, P., Easton, D. F., Eccles, D. M., Rahman, N., Nevanlinna, H., Pharoah, P. D. P.

All authors for Making randomised trials more efficient : report of the first meeting to discuss the Trial Forge platform

Treweek, Shaun, Altman, Douglas G., Bower, Peter, Campbell, Marion, Chalmers, Iain, Cotton, Seonaidh, Craig, Peter S., Crosby, David, Davidson, Peter, Devane, Declan, Duley, Lelia, Dunn, Janet A., Elbourne, Diana, Farrell, Barbara, Gamble, Carrol, Gillies, Katie, Hood, Kerry, Lang, Trudie, Littleford, Roberta, Loudon, Kirsty, McDonald, Alison, McPherson, Gladys, Nelson, Annmarie, Norrie, John, Ramsay, Craig, Sandercock, Peter, Shanahan, Daniel R., Summerskill, William, Sydes, Matthew R., Williamson, P. R. (Paula R.), Clarke, Mike

All authors for Efficacy of neoadjuvant bevacizumab added to docetaxel followed by fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide, for women with HER2-negative early breast cancer (ARTemis) : an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial

Earl, Helena M., Hiller, Louise, Dunn, Janet A., Blenkinsop, Clare, Grybowicz, Louise, Vallier, Anne-Laure, Abraham, Jean, Thomas, Jeremy, Provenzano, Elena, Hughes-Davies, Luke, Gounaris, Ioannis, McAdam, Karen, Chan, Stephen, Ahmad, Rizvana, Hickish, Tamas, Houston, Stephen, Rea, Daniel, Bartlett, John, Caldas, Carlos, Cameron, David A, Hayward, Larry

All authors for Common germline polymorphisms associated with breast cancer-specific survival

Pirie, Ailith, Guo, Qi, Kraft, Peter, Canisius, Sander, Eccles, Diana M, Rahman, Nazneen, Nevanlinna, Heli, Chen, Constance, Khan, Sofia, Tyrer, Jonathan, Bolla, Manjeet K, Wang, Qin, Dennis, Joe, Michailidou, Kyriaki, Lush, Michael, Dunning, Alison M, Shah, Mitul, Czene, Kamila, Darabi, Hatef, Eriksson, Mikael, Lambrechts, Dieter, Weltens, Caroline, Leunen, Karin, van Ongeval, Chantal, Nordestgaard, Børge G, Nielsen, Sune F, Flyger, Henrik, Rudolph, Anja, Seibold, Petra, Flesch-Janys, Dieter, Blomqvist, Carl, Aittomäki, Kristiina, Fagerholm, Rainer, Muranen, Taru A, Olsen, Janet E, Hallberg, Emily, Vachon, Celine, Knight, Julia A, Glendon, Gord, Mulligan, Anna Marie, Broeks, Annegien, Cornelissen, Sten, Haiman, Christopher A, Henderson, Brian E, Schumacher, Frederick, Le Marchand, Loic, Hopper, John L, Tsimiklis, Helen, Apicella, Carmel, Southey, Melissa C, Cross, Simon S, Reed, Malcolm WR, Giles, Graham G, Milne, Roger L, McLean, Catriona, Winqvist, Robert, Pylkäs, Katri, Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja, Grip, Mervi, Hooning, Maartje J, Hollestelle, Antoinette, Martens, John WM, van den Ouweland, Ans MW, Marme, Federick, Schneeweiss, Andreas, Yang, Rongxi, Burwinkel, Barbara, Figueroa, Jonine, Chanock, Stephen J, Lissowska, Jolanta, Sawyer, Elinor J, Tomlinson, Ian, Kerin, Michael J, Miller, Nicola, Brenner, Hermann, Butterbach, Katja, Holleczek, Bernd, Kataja, Vesa, Kosma, Veli-Matti, Hartikainen, Jaana M, Li, Jingmei, Brand, Judith S, Humphreys, Keith, Devilee, Peter, Tollenaar, Robert AEM, Seynaeve, Caroline, Radice, Paolo, Peterlongo, Paolo, Manoukian, Siranoush, Ficarazzi, Filomena, Beckmann, Matthias W, Hein, Alexander, Ekici, Arif B, Balleine, Rosemary, Phillips, Kelly-Anne, Benitez, Javier, Zamora, M Pilar, Perez, Jose Ignacio Arias, Menéndez, Primitiva, Jakubowska, Anna, Lubinski, Jan, Gronwald, Jacek, Durda, Katarzyna, Hamann, Ute, Kabisch, Maria, Ulmer, Hans Ulrich, Rüdiger, Thomas, Margolin, Sara, Kristensen, Vessela, Nord, Siljie, Evans, D Gareth, Abraham, Jean, Earl, Helena, Poole, Christopher J, Hiller, Louise, Dunn, Janet A., Bowden, Sarah, Yang, Rose, Campa, Daniele, Diver, W Ryan, Gapstur, Susan M, Gaudet, Mia M, Hankinson, Susan, Hoover, Robert N, Hüsing, Anika, Kaaks, Rudolf, Machiela, Mitchell J, Willett, Walter, Barrdahl, Myrto, Canzian, Federico, Chin, Suet-Feung, Caldas, Carlos, Hunter, David J, Lindstrom, Sara, Garcia-Closas, Montserrat, Couch, Fergus J, Chenevix-Trench, Georgia, Mannermaa, Arto, Andrulis, Irene L, Hall, Per, Chang-Claude, Jenny, Easton, Douglas F, Bojesen, Stig E, Cox, Angela, Fasching, Peter A, Pharoah, Paul DP, Schmidt, Marjanka K

All authors for FKBPL : a marker of good prognosis in breast cancer

Nelson, Laura, McKenn, Hayley D., Marshall, A. (Andrea)?, Mulrane, Laoighse, Starczynski, Jane, Storr, Sarah J., Lanigan, Fiona, Byrne, Christopher, Arthur, Ken, Hegarty, Shauna, Ali, Ahlam Abdunnabi, Furlong, Fiona, McCarthy, Helen, Ellis, Ian O., Green, Andrew R., Rakha, Emad, Young, Leonie, Kunkler, Ian, Thomas, Jeremy, Jack, Wilma, Cameron, David, Jirström, Karin, Yakkundi, Anita, McClements, Lana, Martin, Stewart G., Gallagher, William M., Dunn, Janet A., Bartlett, John, O?Connor, Darran, Robson, Tracy

All authors for Effects of the addition of gemcitabine, and paclitaxel-first sequencing, in neoadjuvant sequential epirubicin, cyclophosphamide, and paclitaxel for women with high-risk early breast cancer (Neo-tAnGo): an open-label, 2×2 factorial randomised phase 3 trial

Earl, Helena M., Vallier, Anne-Laure, Hiller, Louise, Fenwick, Nicola, Young, Jennie, Iddawela, Mahesh, Abraham, Jean, Hughes-Davies, Luke, Gounaris, Ioannis, McAdam, Karen, Houston, Stephen, Hickish, Tamas, Skene, Anthony, Chan, Stephen, Dean, Susan, Ritchie, Diana, Laing, Robert, Harries, Mark, Gallagher, Christopher, Wishart, Gordon, Dunn, Janet A., Provenzano, Elena, Caldas, Carlos

All authors for Effects of the addition of gemcitabine, and paclitaxel-first sequencing, in neoadjuvant sequential epirubicin, cyclophosphamide, and paclitaxel for women with high-risk early breast cancer (Neo-tAnGo) : an open-label, 2×2 factorial randomised phase 3 trial

Earl, Helena M., Vallier, Anne-Laure, Hiller, Louise, Fenwick, Nicola, Young, Jennie, Iddawela, Mahesh, Abraham, Jean, Hughes-Davies, Luke, Gounaris, Ioannis, McAdam, Karen, Houston, Stephen, Hickish, Tamas, Skene, Anthony, Chan, Stephen, Dean, Susan, Ritchie, Diana, Laing, Robert, Harries, Mark, Gallagher, Christopher, Wishart, Gordon, Dunn, Janet A., Provenzano, Elena, Caldas, Carlos

All authors for Association between CD8+ T-cell infiltration and breast cancer survival in 12 439 patients

Ali, H. R., Provenzano, E., Dawson, S.- J., Blows, F. M., Liu, B., Shah, M., Earl, H. M., Poole, C. J., Hiller, Louise, Dunn, Janet A., Bowden, S. J., Twelves, C., Bartlett, J. M. S., Mahmoud, S. M. A., Rakha, E., Ellis, I. O., Liu, S., Gao, D., Nielsen, T. O., Pharoah, P. D. P., Caldas, C.

All authors for Association between CD8+ T-cell infiltration and breast cancer survival in 12,439 patients

Ali, H. R., Provenzano, E., Dawson, S.- J., Blows, F. M., Liu, B., Shah, M., Earl, H. M., Poole, C. J., Hiller, Louise, Dunn, Janet A., Bowden, S. J., Twelves, C., Bartlett, J. M. S., Mahmoud, S. M. A., Rakha, E., Ellis, I. O., Liu, S., Gao, D., Nielsen, T. O., Pharoah, P. D. P., Caldas, C.

All authors for Selecting breast cancer patients for chemotherapy : the opening of the UK OPTIMA trial

Bartlett, J., Canney, P., Campbell, A. M., Cameron, D., Donovan, Jenny, Dunn, Janet A., Earl, Helena M., Francis, A., Hall, P., Harmer, V., Higgins, Helen B., Hillier, L., Hulme, C., Hughes-Davies, Luke, Makris, A., Morgan, A., McCabe, Chris, Pinder, S., Poole, Christopher J., Rea, D., Stallard, Nigel, Stein, R.

All authors for Adjuvant epirubicin followed by cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil (CMF) vs CMF in early breast cancer : results with over 7 years median follow-up from the randomised phase III NEAT/BR9601 trials

Earl, Helena M., Hiller, Louise, Dunn, Janet A., Vallier, A. -L., Bowden, S. J., Jordan, S. D., Blows, F., Munro, A., Bathers, S., Grieve, R., Spooner, David A., Agrawal, R., Fernando, I., Brunt, A. M., O'Reilly, S. M., Crawford, S. Michael, Rea, D. W., Simmonds, P., Mansi, J. L., Stanley, A., McAdam, K., Foster, Liz, Leonard, R. C. F., Twelves, Chris, Cameron, D., Bartlett, J. M. S., Pharoah, P., Provenzano, E., Caldas, C., Poole, Christopher J.

All authors for Overview of the randomized trials of radiotherapy in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast

Davidson, N., Gelber, R., Piccart, M., Pruneri, G., Pritchard, K., Ravdin, P., Robertson, J., Swain, S., Abe, O., Abe, R., Enomoto, K., Kikuchi, K., Koyama, H., Masuda, H., Nomura, Y., Ohashi, Y., Sakai, K., Sugimachi, K., Toi, M., Tominaga, T., Uchino, J., Yoshida, M., Haybittle, J. L., Leonard, C. F., Calais, G., Geraud, P., Collett, V., Davies, C., Delmestri, A., Sayer, J., Harvey, V. J., Holdaway, T. M., Kay, R. G., Mason, B. H., Forbes, J. F., Wilcken, N., Bauernhofer, T., Dubsky, P., Fesl, C., Fohler, H., Filipcic, L., Filipits, M., Fridrik, M., Gnant, M., Greil, R., Hegenbarth, K., Jakesz, R., Kwasny, W., Lang, A., Luschin-Ebengreuth, G., Marth, C., Menzel, C., Mlineritsch, B., Samonigg, H., Seifert, M., Sevelda, P., Singer, C., Steger, G. G., Stöger, H., Thaler, J., Tschmelitsch, J., Zielinski, C., Canney, P., Yosef, H. M. A., Focan, C., Peek, U., Oates, G. D., Powell, J., Durand, M., Mauriac, L., Di Leo, A., Dolci, S., Piccart, M. J., Masood, M. B., Parker, D., Price, J. J., Lindsay, M. A., Mackey, J., Martin, M., Hupperets, P. S. G. J., Bates, T., Blamey, R. W., Chetty, U., Ellis, I. O., Mallon, E., Morgan, D. A. L., Patnick, J., Pinder, S., Jackson, S., Ragaz, J., Berry, D., Broadwater, G., Cirrincione, C., Muss, H., Norton, L., Weiss, R. B., Abu-Zahra, H. T., Portnoj, S. M., Baum, M., Cuzick, J., Dunn, Janet A.

All authors for OPTIMA : A prospective randomized trial to validate the predictive utility and cost-effectiveness of gene expression test-directed chemotherapy decisions in early breast cancer

Stein, R. C., Makris, A., Hughes-Davies, L., Macpherson, I. R., Hall, P. S., Cameron, D. A., Earl, H. M., Pinder, S. E., Poole, C. J., Rea, D. W., McIntosh, S., Harmer, V., Morgan, A., Rooshenas, L., Conefrey, C., Donovan, J. L., Hulme, C, McCabe, Chris, Stallard, Nigel, Campbell, A., Higgins, Helen B., Bartlett, J. M. S., Marshall, A. (Andrea)?, Dunn, Janet A.

All authors for NEO-EXCEL phase III neoadjuvant trial of pre-operative exemestane or letrozole plus /- celecoxib in the treatment of ER positive postmenopausal early breast cancer

Rea, D., Francis, A., Poole, C., Brookes, C., Stein, R., Bartlett, J., Dunn, Janet A., Canney, P., Sutton, R., Daoud, R., Hallissey, M., Achuthan, R., Grant, M., Babrah, J., Smith, S., Fraser, J., Desai, A., Al Dubaisi, M., Patel, A., Bristol, J., Chandrasekharan, S., Prest, C., Jewkes, A., Investigators, Neo-Excel

All authors for Influence of resection margins on survival for patients with pancreatic cancer treated by adjuvant chemoradiation and/or chemotherapy in the ESPAC-1 randomized controlled trial

Neoptolemos, J. P., Stocken, D. D., Dunn, Janet A., Almond, J., Beger, H. G., Pederzoli, P., Bassi, C., Dervenis, C., Fernandez-Cruz, L., Lacaine, F., Buckels, J., Deakin, M., Adab, F. A., Sutton, R., Imrie, C., Ihse, I., Tihanyi, T., Olah, A., Pedrazzoli, S., Spooner, D., Kerr, D. J., Friess, H., Büchler, M. W.