Mixed methods; genetic and reproductive technologies; disability; Spinal Muscular Atrophy; qualitative research methods; stigma.
Research Grants & Awards
Wellcome Trust Investigator Award, February 2017- February 2020 (£248, 802)
ESRC Future Research Leaders Fellowship May 2013- Feb 2017. 'Imagining Futures: The Social and Ethical Implications of Genetic Screening' (£161, 074)
Mildred Blaxter Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness. November 2011- April 2013.* (£38,000)
ESRC 1+3 Doctoral Scholarship, Department of Sociology, 2005-2009. (£80,000)
- Holder, P., Clark, Corinna C. A., Moody, L., Boardman, Felicity K., Cowlard, J., Allen, L., Walter, C., Bonham, J. R., Chudleigh, J., 2024. Stakeholder views of the proposed introduction of next generation sequencing into the cystic fibrosis screening protocol in England. International Journal of Neonatal Screening, 10 (1)
- Quinn, L., Narendran, P., Bhavra, K., Boardman, Felicity K., Greenfield, S., Randell, M., Litchfield, I., 2024. Developing a general population screening programme for paediatric type 1 diabetes : evidence from a qualitative study of the perspectives and attitudes of parents. Paediatric Diabetes
- Boardman, Felicity K., Thomas, Gareth, 2023. Expressivist objections to prenatal screening and testing : perceptions of people living with disability. Sociology of Health and Illness, 45 (6), pp. 1223-1241
- Boardman, Felicity K., Clark, Corinna C. A., Buck, Rosanna, Hundt, Gillian, 2023. I:DNA : evaluating the impact of public engagement with a multimedia art installation on genetic screening. Research For All, 7 (1)
- Quinn, Lauren M., Narendran, Parth, Randell, Matthew J., Bhavra, Kirandeep, Boardman, Felicity K., Greenfield, Sheila M., Litchfield, Ian, 2023. General population screening for paediatric type 1 diabetes : a qualitative study of UK professional stakeholders. Diabetic Medicine, 40 (10)
- 'Clark, Corinna C. A., 'Boardman, Felicity K., 2022. 'Expanding the notion of ?benefit? : comparing public, parent, and professional attitudes towards whole genome sequencing in newborns. New Genetics and Society
- 'Boardman, Felicity K., 'Clark, Corinna C. A., 2022. 'What is a 'serious' genetic condition? The perceptions of people living with genetic conditions. European Journal of Human Genetics, 30, pp. 160-169
- 'Boardman, Felicity K., 'Clark, C., 2022. ''We're kind of like genetic nomads' : parents' experiences of biographical disruption and uncertainty following in/conclusive results from newborn cystic fibrosis screening. Social Science and Medicine, 301
- 'Clancy, Georgia, 'Boardman, Felicity K., 'Rees, Sophie, 2022. 'Exploring trust in (bio)medical and experiential knowledge of birth : the perspectives of pregnant women, new mothers and maternity care providers. Midwifery, 107
- Quinn, Lauren M., Shukla, David, Greenfield, Sheila Margaret, Barrett, Tim, Garstang, Joanna, Boardman, Felicity K., Litchfield, Ian, Dayan, Colin, Gardner, Christine, Connop, Clair, Lepley, Lepley, Narendran, Parth, 2022. EarLy Surveillance for Autoimmune diabetes - protocol for a qualitative study of general population and stakeholder perspectives on screening for type 1 diabetes in the UK [ELSA 1]. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, 10 (2)
- Ayorinde, Abimbola A., Boardman, Felicity K., McGranahan, Majel, Porter, Lucy, Eze, Nwamaka A., Sallis, Anna, Buck, Rosanna, Hadley, Alison, Ludeke, Melissa, Mann, Sue, Oyebode, Oyinlola, 2021. Enabling women to access preferred methods of contraception : a rapid review and behavioural analysis. BMC Public Health, 21 (1)
- White, Ashley L., Boardman, Felicity, McNiven, Abigail, Locock, Louise, Hinton, Lisa, 2021. Absorbing it all : a meta-ethnography of parents' unfolding experiences of newborn screening. Social Science & Medicine, 287
- Boardman, Felicity K., 2021. Whose life is worth preserving? Disabled people and the expressivist objection to neonatology. Acta Paediatrica, 110 (2), pp. 391-393
- Murphy, Marie, Boardman, Felicity K., Robertson, Wendy, Johnson, Rebecca E., 2021. Children's perspectives and experiences of health, diet, physical activity and weight in an urban, multi-ethnic UK population : a qualitative study. Child: Care, Health and Development, 47 (5), pp. 597-607
- Thomas, Lauren A., Lewis, Sharon, Massier, John, Kirk, Edwin P., Archibald, Alison D., Barlow-Stewart, Kristine, Boardman, Felicity K., Halliday, Jany, McClaren, Belinda, Delatycki, Martin B., 2020. Which types of conditions should be included in reproductive genetic carrier screening? Views of parents of children with a genetic condition. European Journal of Medical Genetics, 63 (12)
- Boardman, Felicity K., Clark, Corinna C. A., Jungkurth, Elsita, Young, Philip J., 2020. Social and cultural influences on genetic screening programme acceptability : a mixed methods study of the views of adults, carriers and family members living with thalassemia in the UK. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 29 (6), pp. 1026-1040
- Boardman, Felicity K., 2020. Attitudes toward population screening among people living with fragile X syndrome in the UK : 'I wouldn't wish him away, I'd just wish his fragile X syndrome away'. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 30 (1), pp. 85-97
- Boardman, Felicity K., Hale, Rachel, Young, Philip J., 2019. Newborn screening for haemophilia: The views of families and adults living with haemophilia in the UK. Haemophilia, 25 (2), pp. 276-282
- Boardman, Felicity K., Hale, Rachel, Gohel, Raksha, Young, Philip J., 2019. Prevention of lives affected by haemophilia : a mixed methods study of the views of adults with haemophilia and their families towards genetic screening. Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine, 7 (5)
- Boardman, Felicity K., Hale, Rachel, Young, Philip J., 2019. Newborn screening for haemophilia : the views of families and adults living with haemophilia in the UK. Haemophilia, 25 (2), pp. 276-282
- Boardman, Felicity K., Hale, Rachel, Gohel, Raksha, Young, Philip J., 2019. Preventing lives affected by hemophilia: A mixed methods study of the views of adults with hemophilia and their families toward genetic screening. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 7 (5)
- Hong, Quan Nha, Pluye, Pierre, Fàbregues, Sergi, Bartlett, Gillian, Boardman, Felicity K., Cargo, Margaret, Dagenais, Pierre, Gagnon, Marie-Pierre, Griffiths, Frances, Nicolau, Belinda, O'Cathain, Alicia, Rousseau, Marie-Claude, Vedel, Isabelle, 2019. Improving the content validity of the mixed methods appraisal tool: a modified e-Delphi study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 111, pp. 49-59.e1
- Boardman, Felicity K., Hale, Rachel, 2019. "I didn?t take it too seriously because I'd just never heard of it" : experiential knowledge and genetic screening for thalassaemia in the UK. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 28 (1), pp. 141-154
- Murphy, M., Boardman, F., Johnson, R., Robertson, W., 2018. Parental beliefs of family health, diet, physical activity and weight : findings from a qualitative study in an ethnically diverse population in the UK. European Journal of Public Health, 28 (1)
- Hong, Quan Nha, Fàbregues, Sergi, Bartlett, Gillian, Boardman, Felicity K., Cargo, Margaret, Dagenais, Pierre, Gagnon, Marie-Pierre, Griffiths, Frances, Nicolau, Belinda, O'Cathain, Alicia, Rousseau, Marie-Claude, Vedel, Isabelle, Pluye, Pierre, 2018. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) version 2018 for information professionals and researchers. Education for Information, 34 (4), pp. 285-291
- Boardman, Felicity K., Hale, Rachel, 2018. How do genetically disabled adults view selective reproduction? Impairment, identity, and genetic screening. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 6 (6), pp. 941-956
- Boardman, Felicity K., Hale, Rachel, 2018. Responsibility and identity and genomic sequencing : a comparison of published recommendations and patient perspectives on accepting or declining incidental findings. Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine, 6 (6), pp. 1079-1096
- Boardman, Felicity K., Hale, Rachel, 2018. Responsibility, identity, and genomic sequencing: A comparison of published recommendations and patient perspectives on accepting or declining incidental findings. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 6 (6), pp. 1079-1096
- Boardman, Felicity K., Young, P., Warren, O., Griffiths, Frances, 2018. The role of experiential knowledge within attitudes towards genetic carrier screening : a comparison of people with and without experience of spinal muscular atrophy. Health Expectations, 21 (1), pp. 201-211
- Boardman, Felicity K., Young, Philip J., Griffiths, Frances, 2018. Impairment experiences, identity and attitudes towards genetic screening : the views of people with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 27 (1), pp. 69-84
- Boardman, Felicity K., Sadler, Chloe, Young, Philip J., 2018. Newborn genetic screening for spinal muscular atrophy in the UK : the views of the general population. Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine, 6 (1), pp. 99-108
- Boardman, Felicity K., Hale, Rachel, 2018. How do genetically disabled adults view selective reproduction? : impairment, identity and genetic screening. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 6 (6), pp. 941-956
- Boardman, Felicity K., Young, Philip J., Griffiths, Frances, 2017. Population screening for spinal muscular atrophy : a mixed methods study of the views of affected families. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Part A), 173 (2), pp. 421-434
- Boardman, Felicity K., Young, Philip J., Griffiths, Frances, 2017. Newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy : the views of affected families and adults. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 173 (6), pp. 1546-1561
- Boardman, Felicity K., 2017. Experience as knowledge : disability, distillation and (reprogenetic) decision-making. Social Science & Medicine, 191, pp. 186-193
- Griffiths, Frances, Mason, Victoria, Boardman, Felicity K., Dennick, Kathryn J., Haywood, Kirstie L., Achten, Juul, Parsons, Nicholas R., Griffin, Xavier L., Costa, Matthew L., 2015. Evaluating recovery following hip fracture : a qualitative interview study of what is important to patients. British Medical Journal, 5 (1), pp. 1-10
- Griffiths, Frances, Boardman, Felicity K., Chondros, Patty, Dowrick, Christopher, Densley, Konstancja, Hegarty, Kelsey, Gunn, Jane, 2015. The effect of strategies of personal resilience on depression recovery in an Australian cohort : a mixed methods study. Health : An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 19 (1), pp. 86-106
- Boardman, Felicity K., 2014. Knowledge is power? : the role of experiential knowledge in genetically 'risky' reproductive decisions. Sociology of Health & Illness, 36 (1), pp. 137-150
- Staniszewska, Sophie, Boardman, Felicity K., Gunn, Lee, Roberts, Julie, Clay, Diane, Seers, Kate, Brett, Jo, Avital, Liz, Bullock, Ian, O' Flynn, N., 2014. The Warwick patient experiences framework : patient-based evidence in clinical guidelines. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 26 (2), pp. 151-157
- Boardman, Felicity K., 2014. The expressivist objection to prenatal testing : the experiences of families living with genetic disease. Social Science & Medicine, 107, pp. 18-25
- Boardman, Felicity K., 2014. Experiential knowledge of disability, impairment and illness : the reproductive decisions of families genetically at risk. Health: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness & Medicine, 18 (5), pp. 476-492
- Griffiths, Frances, Cave, Jonathan A. K., Boardman, Felicity K., Ren, Justin, Pawlikowska, T., Ball, Robin, Clarke, Aileen, Cohen, Alan B., 2012. Social networks : the future for health care delivery. Social Science & Medicine, 75 (12), pp. 2233-2241
- Griffin, Xavier L., Achten, Juul, Parsons, Nicholas R., Boardman, Felicity K., Griffiths, Frances, Costa, Matthew L., 2012. The Warwick Hip Trauma Evaluation ? an abridged protocol for the WHiTE Study : a multiple embedded randomised controlled trial cohort study. Bone & Joint Research, 1 (11), pp. 310-314
- Boardman, Felicity K., Griffiths, Frances, Kokanovic, Renata, Potiriadis, Maria, Dowrick, Christopher, Gunn, Jane, 2011. Resilience as a response to the stigma of depression : a mixed methods analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol.135 (No.1-3), pp. 267-276
- Brown, Lindsey, Boardman, Felicity K., 2010. Accessing the field : disability and the research process. Social Science & Medicine, Vol.72 (No.1), pp. 23-30
- Griffiths, Frances, Lowe, Pam, Boardman, Felicity K., Ayre, Catherine, Gadsby, Roger, 2008. Becoming pregnant : exploring the perspectives of women living with diabetes. British Journal of General Practice, Vol.58 (No.548), pp. 184-190
- Boardman, Felicity K., 2011. Negotiating discourses of maternal responsibility, disability, and repregenics : the role of experimental knowledge. Lewiecki-Wilson, Cynthia; Cellio, Jen (eds.), Disability and mothering : liminal spaces of embodied knowledge, Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse University Press
- Griffiths, Frances, Boardman, Felicity K., 2011. What is mixed methods research?. Warwick Medical School Division of Health Sciences Seminar Series, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick
- 'Ayorinde, Abimbola, 'Boardman, Felicity K., 'McGranahan, Majel, 'Porter, Lucy, 'Alzouebi, Bushra, 'Buck, Rosanna, 'Nwamaka, Eze, 'Sallis, Anna, 'Hadley, Alison, 'Ludeke, Melissa, 'Mann, Sue, 'Oyebode, Oyinlola, 2021. 'Toolkit for applying behavioural science to barriers in reproductive health.
- Boardman, Felicity K., 2020. Letter to the editor. Gene editing and disabled people : a response to Iñigo de Miguel Beriain. Journal of Community Genetics, Springer
- Boardman, Felicity K., 2020. Human genome editing and the identity politics of genetic disability. Journal of Community Genetics, Springer, pp. 125-127
- 'Boardman, Felicity K., 2017. 'The social and ethical implications of genetic screening - part 1 : spinal muscular atrophy screening survey. University of Warwick, Warwick Medical School
- Taylor-Phillips, Sian, Boardman, Felicity K., Seedat, Farah, Hipwell, Alison, Gale, Nicola Kay, Clarke, Angus, Slowther, Anne, Sime, Morag, Davis, Hugh, Clarke, Aileen, 2014. The ethical, social and legal issues with expanding the newborn bloodspot test. Warwick Medical School
- Staniszewska, Sophie, Boardman, Felicity K., Gunn, Lee, Palmer, Julie, Clay, Diane, Seers, Kate, Brett, Jo, 2011. Patient experiences : a scoping study. University of Warwick
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
Warwick-Birmingham Screening Evidence Synthesis Group (WeBS-ESG) | National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) | 01 Apr 2025 | 31 Mar 2030 |
NIHR Professorship taylor-phillips | National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) | 01 Dec 2022 | 30 Nov 2027 |
Acceptability of SMA Newborn Screening Study (originally costed under 71671) | Novartis Gene Therapies, Inc. | 11 Jul 2022 | 30 Apr 2025 |
MRC CRTF: Pre-conception health and contraception among migrant women in the UK: a mixed methods study | MRC | 04 Jan 2022 | 03 Jan 2025 |
Re-evaluating the Remote: Exploring the practical, epistemological and ethical implications of remote qualitative data collection in health research | MRC | 01 May 2022 | 31 Oct 2024 |
Data from the Pre-Conception Screening Study as a Resource For the Development of Collaborative Social Science/Bioethics Research Agendas in Genomics | Wellcome Trust | 01 Sept 2020 | 30 Apr 2024 |
Re-evaluating the Remote: Exploring the practical, epistemological and ethical implications of remote qualitative data collection in health research (NIHR funding linked to 70437) | National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) | 01 May 2022 | 29 Feb 2024 |
PHE Led by City University: Evaluation of NGS CF NBS | Public Health England | 01 Oct 2021 | 30 Nov 2022 |
NIHR RFPB Stage 2: Testing the acceptability of EarLy Surveillance for Autoimmune diabetes: The ELSA Study | National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) | 01 Oct 2021 | 30 Nov 2022 |
Wellcome Research Enrichment - Public Engagement. | Wellcome Trust | 01 May 2018 | 31 Jan 2022 |
Pr-Conception Genetic Screening of the General Population for Conditions of Uncertain or Highly Variable Prognosis: Social and Ethical Implications | Wellcome Trust | 01 Feb 2017 | 31 Jan 2022 |
HTA application 18/33 Valuing the benefits and harms of antenatal and new born screening programmes in the UK: Full Stage | National Institute for Health Research (DoH) | 01 Jan 2020 | 30 Dec 2021 |
Per-Conception Genetic Screening of the General Population for Conditions of Uncertain or Highly Variable Prognosis: Social and Ethical Implications - Supplement for 50831 due to COVID-19 | Wellcome Trust | 01 Feb 2021 | 31 Jul 2021 |
Rapid Evidence Review and Behavioural analysis on Improving Reproduction Health Outcomes to Reduce Inequalities | Public Health England | 01 Sept 2019 | 31 Mar 2020 |
NIHR Research Design Service West Midlands, Warwick Hub | National Institute for Health Research (DoH) | 01 Oct 2013 | 30 Sept 2018 |
Future Research Leaders Full Application: Selecting Futures | ESRC | 01 Oct 2012 | 30 Sept 2015 |
The Mildred Blaxter Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme: Experiential Knowledge, Reproductive Decision Making and Genetic Risk - Families Living with SMA | Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness | 01 Dec 2011 | 31 Jul 2013 |
NIHR Programme Development Grant: Improving outcomes for patients with fractures of the proximal femurWHITE | National Institute for Health Research (DoH) | 01 Jan 2012 | 31 Mar 2013 |
NICE Scoping Study | National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence | 01 Dec 2010 | 31 Jan 2011 |