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Cath Fenn

Job Title
Senior Academic Technologist
WMS - Professional Support Services
024 7615 0065
Research Interests

Critical digital pedagogy. Team based approaches to providing flexible e-resources; developing digital capability; digital literacy; students as change agents; co-creation; virtual patients to support development of clinical reasoning and other skills; iPads in Medical Education; personal learning environments; instructional design; repositories; ePortfolios; assessment; social and learning networks; active learning; embedding use of immersive environments and multi-media in medical curricula.


Digital Transformation Lead for the Warwick MB ChB course. Special interests include developing digital capability, digital wellbeing, social inclusion and critical approaches to exploring the potential affordances of immersive environments in the enhancement of learning and teaching. My expertise is in seeing potential affordances of technology to enhance experience and support learning. I have demonstrable experience in HE spotting opportunities and working to build personal, team and institutional digital education capability. Projects past and present include collaborative developments in partnership with other University departments, a UK wide project exploring the tangible benefits of e-learning, a UK wide project exploring use of digital literacies pilot materials to support staff, curriculum and institutional development in response to the digital literacies agenda, support for Health Foundations project - Safer Systems, digital plan for building a research network in Africa (CARTA), support for a cross-faculty postgraduate programme developed in partnership with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), leading digital experience insights project and co-leading VR HEE funded programme to explore expansion of clinical teaching capacity. Experience is backed up by Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), JISC Digital Leaders programme, Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT), postgraduate award (PGA) in e-learning, certificate in advice & guidance and PRINCE2 project management methodology foundation certificate.