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WMS has two courses related to Leadership.

Our online Master of Healthcare Leadership is designed to give you a broad, interdisciplinary perspective on the changing face of healthcare.

Our Introduction to Leadership in Healthcare Contexts course allows students to develop the skills required to meet the current and future needs of the NHS. The course is suitable for people with managerial, clinical or administrative backgrounds, who are interested in developing their leadership contribution in the healthcare sector.

Our course

Course Title Level Type Duration
iheed Masters in Healthcare Leadership (Masters/PgDip/PgCert)
Accredited by the University of Warwick. This innovative online qualification is offered to clinicians worldwide.
MSc/ PG Dip/
PG Cert
Postgraduate MSc: 24 months
PGDip: 12 months
PGCert: 6 months
All part time
Introduction to Leadership in Healthcare ContextsLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window Postgraduate Award Postgraduate Blended delivery over a 12 week period