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Independent and Supplementary Prescribing


This module aims to prepare nurses, midwives and allied healthcare professionals to prescribe safely, appropriately and cost effectively as an independent/supplementary prescriber.

Students will be required to evaluate the evidence underpinning the practice of independent and supplementary prescribing, critically reflect upon their level of competency in respect of independent and supplementary prescribing and develop an individual programme of learning in practice.

The learning outcomes for this registrable qualification are prescribed by and mapped to the national curriculum, as referenced in the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Competency Framework.

Key facts

Contact: Eva Mussio / Claire Runaghan / Evon Conway

Tel: 024765 74263

Module Leads: Dr Daniel Mitchell / Samantha McDonnell (interim co-Module Lead)

Duration: 8 teaching days (face to face)
10 e-learning/distance learning days
12 practice days (workplace)

Credits: 40

Module code: MD9A3-40


Module objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:

  1. Critically discuss and demonstrate an ability to assess and consult with patients/clients, clients, parents and carers;
  2. Undertake a thorough history, including medication history and current medication (including over the counter, alternative and complementary health therapies) to inform diagnosis
  3. Critique and apply the relevant legislation to the practice of independent and supplementary prescribing for non-medical clinicians
  4. Critically appraise sources of information/advice and decision- making frameworks in prescribing practice and identify evidence-based treatment options available for clinical decision making.
  5. Critically debate the influences that affect prescribing practice and demonstrate understanding by managing prescribing practice in an ethical way;
  6. Apply knowledge of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics to their own prescribing practice, including the monitoring of response to therapy and justification to modify treatment.
  7. Critically analyse the roles and relationships of others involved in prescribing, supplying and administering medicines.
  8. Prescribe safely, appropriately and cost effectively.
  9. Practise within a framework of professional accountability and responsibility.
  10. Develop clinical management plans within legislative framework, whilst presenting options and reach a shared decision with patients.
  11. Demonstrate the recognition of the unique implications and developmental context of the anatomical and physiological differences between neonates, children and young people.
  12. Demonstrate the ability to calculate drug dosages and prescribing regimes within own area of practice.


1. A Logbook of Clinical Practice and Evidence of RPS Framework Competency that demonstrates application of theory to practice and provides rationale for prescribing decisions and reflective practice. It will also include evidence of numeracy skills, writing prescriptions and a range of scenarios.

a. Logbook of hours

b. RPS evidence to include 2 x 1500 word critical reflections

c. Practice assessor OSCE in practice

The pass mark for this assessment is 50%

2. A written examination consisting of 20 short answer/multiple choice questions (SAQ/MCQ). The examinations tests pharmacological knowledge and its application to practice. The pass mark for the examination is 80% [30%].

3. A numerical assessment within the context of prescribing practice. The pass mark for the numeracy assessment is 100% and is recorded as a pass/fail.

All assessment elements must be passed, there is no compensation allowed.

How to apply

How to Apply for the Postgraduate Award in Independent and Supplementary Prescribing:

  1. Please complete the online University application form at How to apply (
  2. Please email request the Warwick Medical School Application form for Independent and Supplementary Prescribing.

The Application Deadline for submission of the two application forms is 31/07/2024.Please note that we are unable to review an application until both forms have been received.

Please note that a pre-requisite for applying for the stand-alone Postgraduate Award is to have successfully completed a Level 7 Health Assessment module

Module dates 2024/2025

Onsite (2025)

Online (2025)

Exam (onsite 2025)

07, 08, 30 January

20, 27 February

18 March

17 April

08 May

13, 20 January

03, 10 February

03, 10, 25 March

01, 07, 24, 28 April

15 May