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Work-based Learning-Advanced Practice


In this module you will have the chance to complete a work-based project. You will draw up the specific rationale and aims of the project in a ‘learning agreement’ and the planning of your project will be supported through tutorials with the module leader.

Outline syllabus

The specific content of this module will vary depending upon the negotiated focus of the project and may relate directly to your area of clinical specialty.

The following topics will be covered in group tutorials:

  • Reflection upon experience to identify and evidence learning
  • Career SWOT analysis
  • Work-based and self-directed learning
  • Management and organisation of self and negotiated learning
  • Constructing, writing and referencing a work-based project report or critical commentary and portfolio of work- based evidence.

Key facts


Eva Mussio / Claire Runaghan / Evon Conway

Tel: 024 765 74263

Module Lead: Samantha McDonnell

Timetabled teaching activities
Tutorials will be held to develop the individual proposals. Supervisory meetings (virtual/face-to-face) will be held with students on an individual basis to support the project.

Credits: 20

Module code: MD9A4


Funding OpportunitiesLink opens in a new window


Assessment may take the form of either:

  • Project report of 3,000 words plus 15-minute viva-style discussion OR
  • Work artefact and critical commentary agreed in advance with the module leader as equivalent to 3,000 words plus 15-minute viva style discussion.

Module dates 2024/25

A choice of 3 cohorts across the academic year:

Cohort A - Start date 10/10/24

Cohort A1 - Start date 16/01/25

Cohort A2 - Start date 29/04/25